Chapter 75 - Jokes, Jealousy, and Revenge

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Okay, so I'm probably gonna sound like a raging lunatic for the next few paragraphs, but just... try and look past that, okay? It's been a long... day? Week? Month? What year is it, even? 

Ah, the life of a time traveler. No wonder the Doctor's never on time. 

Anyways... I already wrote most of what happened in that creepy hotel; or what I know of what happened at least... I still have questions... But then after that, everything just went completely crazy, even by the Doctor's standards.

He had the worst of it, actually... I mean, Ten definitely didn't have fun, and neither did I, but Eleven... I think this one's gonna stick with him for a while, unfortunately. 

Lyssa leaned her head back against the tree at her back with a sigh before turning to look at the Time Lord currently dozing on her shoulder. After a prolonged water fight - which she knew she'd only won because he let her, though she wasn't going to bring it up if he wasn't - they'd both stretched out against a tree to dry off. 

They'd sat in peaceful silence for almost an hour before he started to nod off, and she ended up pulling him to lean against her before he could fall all the way to the other side and hit the ground and wake himself up. He needed his sleep, and she could use the time to fill out her journal, so why not? Even in sleep, his posture was tense, as if expecting an attack at any moment. And really, who could blame him?

If I hadn't literally just had an extremely emotional conversation with the Doctor, I would say that I feel partially to blame for what happened, since he brought us to that stupid planet to help us recuperate, and I feel like it was for me in particular. 

However, I did just have said extremely emotional conversation, and... I'm going to try not to blame myself for things that are out of my control. I didn't force the Doctor to bring us here, and I didn't force the Atrellians to try and kill and torture innocent people. What happened was not my fault. (Be proud of me, Doctor, even if you never see this. I'm trying)

It's also not the Doctor's fault, and I'm probably going to have to remind him of that. Frequently. Especially considering I've got a giant reminder throbbing constantly on my face...

Okay, OW, note to self: Don't touch giant bruise on face. It's still there, I promise you, and it FREAKING HURTS when you touch it. *cries, because I'm an emotionally stable-ish woman, and the Doctor's asleep so he'll never know*

Anyways... I get distracted a lot, sorry... Long story short, Ten and Donna met up with me, Eleven, and the Ponds on the resort planet, Eleven and Amy got turned into toddlers (Yep. Toddlers.), and the evil clones of their adult selves tried to (well, I say tried, they were a bit more successful than I would have preferred) kidnap the children for their own nefarious purposes.

Which was to feed them to a giant plant, apparently...

(Again, yep. I was there. First time I can truthfully say I've seen an evil bush.)

I got taken out by my clone (yep) like a dummy trying to rescue the Doctors (note the plural), before Rory came along and saved the day.

What is it with medical people and saving the day??? Leave a little glory for the rest of us commoners, please. I already lost all my dignity, at least let me have a little glory...

Anyways, then the Doctors destroyed the evil plant (Is it a bad thing I wanted to help set things on fire? I feel like it is...) and... basically left karma to punish them. 

And THAT'S the short version.

Uh-huh. My hand already aches at the thought of having to write out the longer, more accurate versio-----

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