Chapter 116 - A Regular Fairy Tale

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The Doctor glanced at her as he hesitantly put his free hand on the doorknob. Then, taking a deep breath, he slowly pushed it open and cautiously stepped inside the room. His brow furrowed as he looked around before slowly stepping further inside.

"What are you up to, old girl?" he murmured to the ship.

Hand still in his, Lyssa followed him inside and sucked in a breath when she realized that they were inside the Gallifrey Room. The two suns hung low in the darkening blue sky, turning the clouds on the horizon into a variety of gorgeous pinks, purples, and golds that softly blended together into a natural masterpiece. The fading light glimmered on the silver and green leaves on the trees in the distance, though the red grass looked more like a rusty brown in the shadows.

"Why'd she bring us here?" Lyssa asked curiously as she looked around, letting the familiar scent of the room soak into her after months of being away and relaxing a little further. "I mean, not that I'm mad about it, or anything. I love being here." The soft snick of the door closing behind them distracted her, and she looked back in surprise.

The Doctor followed her gaze, then looked down and frowned. "Why is there a stack of apples in front of the door?" he asked incredulously, staring at a pile of ripe red apples stacked neatly in front of the now-closed door, temporarily barring their exit.

"Are you serious?" Lyssa demanded, throwing up her free hand in exasperation as the TARDIS gave her a pointed nudge through their bond. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She knew exactly why they were there, and the TARDIS was not as funny as she thought she was.

She'd used them back with Eleven when they'd needed to have an important talk after the events on Atrellian. Both of them had had to be uncomfortably honest with the other, and it had culminated in their friendship growing even deeper as they'd also both talked about how much they cared for each other.

Although recent events seemed to indicate that Eleven had likely meant it in an entirely different meaning than she'd thought at the time.

"I know what she wants," Lyssa muttered, keeping her flaming face hidden by her hand.

The Doctor waited a moment before asking, "And... are you going to share that with the class?"

She sighed, avoiding his gaze. "She wants us to talk. Like, actually talk."

He paused, and she could feel his searching eyes on her. "Is that something you're ready for?" he asked gently, his grip loosening on her hand. "Because if you're not, this can wait."

She couldn't help a soft smile, touched by his kindness, but sighed again, reluctantly lowering her hand and looking up at him. "I don't know if I'll ever be ready for something like this," she admitted shyly. "But," she continued, gathering her courage and reminded once more of her talk with Eleven, "we do need to talk. If I put it off too long, I'll jump, and excuse addressing it, and who knows when or if it'll ever happen?" She shook her head, avoiding his gaze once more. "No, it's best we address it right away." She glanced up at him, giving him a crooked smile. "I hear communication is kind of important."

"It is," he agreed quietly. "It's very important." He paused. "But that doesn't mean it has to happen this instant." She furrowed her brow and he gave her a gentle smile. "Taking time to let yourself think and process is also important. Rushing things rarely helps. Particularly if it's about something important. And it's been a stressful day - and I'm assuming a rather stressful three months." He grimaced in mild guilt and glanced around, changing the subject. "Have you ever gone exploring in here? Like, actual exploring?"

Confused, but going along with his lead, she shook her head. "I've only ever been as far as the river over there," she gestured at the familiar clearing where she and the Doctor had always gone. "We've never really gone further than that."

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