Chapter 38 - End of the Line

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Lyssa held on tight to the console as the Doctor piloted them, watching him work in silence. Even the TARDIS seemed to be flying quieter than usual, her interior darkened. Whether it was a new design, or just a temporary look because of the situation, it seemed appropriate. 

"Where was she raised?" she asked quietly as he slammed down a lever with more force than normal. "I know she was - is human," she corrected herself, trying to hold onto her hope, "but was she from Earth?"

The Doctor shook his head. "I don't know where she was born - she never told me, and most likely didn't know herself. But she was raised on the planet Telmar. It was settled by a small group of humans in the thirty-fourth century, and only because they had to. They were on a ship headed for another galaxy when it began to fail, and they crash-landed. By the time they were found, a few generations had passed, and it had become a home for them out of sheer stubbornness."

He glanced at her briefly. "It's not exactly a welcoming planet. It's harsh, frigid in the winters, and boiling in the summers. The native animals are carnivorous, and extremely hostile. All in all, exactly where I would expect the Master to 'raise' someone if he had to. Hold on, we're going in, and the TARDIS is not happy about it."

"Wait, why?" she asked nervously, her words coming out stilted as the TARDIS shook violently around them. "Is it like Trenzalore? Or Krop Tor?" 

He paused briefly, hands tightening around the console as his jaw worked. "Yes," he muttered at last, not looking at her. The TARDIS landed them with an unhappy groan, and he softened slightly. "I know, old girl. I know," he murmured, running one hand over the console lightly. "But it has to be done. You know it, and I know it. Please, don't make it any harder than it has to be." 

The ship gave one last muted protest before sliding back a tiny panel on the console. He stretched a hand out, and she was surprised to see it shaking as he reached inside. She caught a glimpse of red before he pocketed it, turning to her with a grim expression. "Let's go," he said quietly, holding his other hand out to her. 

She nodded, taking it in hers, and nearly dropped it in surprise at the blazing heat she felt. She knew it came from strong emotions, but it had never been that strong before - even after Canary Wharf. He tightened his grip with a near desperate strength, and she pressed her lips together to keep from speaking. She could see the fear in his eyes, much as he tried to hide it beneath anger, and something told her it wasn't just Bria he was scared for. 

She couldn't fix this, couldn't tell him everything was going to be all right. But she could stand there beside him, offer him a hand to hold as they faced it together. So she strengthened her own grip on him, ignoring the uncomfortable warmth and all that it signified. 

He paused before the doors, drawing in a deep breath before pulling them open with his free hand. He led her out onto a field covered in brown grass beneath a gray sky, then turned back to lock the TARDIS. He glanced down at the key in his hand afterwards, swallowing once before closing his fist around it. When he opened it again, the key was gone. 

He placed his now empty hand against the door, spreading his fingers across the wood. Face filled with pain, he closed his eyes, murmuring something in a language she couldn't understand. When he opened them again, every trace of emotion had been swept away. 

She followed him silently as he led her across the field, their footprints leaving a trail that faded after a few steps. Bare trees groaned in the wind as they passed beneath, and she shuddered, feeling as though the planet itself didn't want them there. Well, the feeling was mutual, but if they were going to find Bria again - and they were - they needed to be here. 

A stick cracked and fell behind them, and she couldn't help the startled cry that slipped out, her hand tightening on the Doctor's as she swung to look behind them. She swallowed hard when she saw the branch, shaking her head at herself and her residual - though well earned - paranoia. 

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