Chapter 2 - A Tour de TARDIS

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She smiled hesitantly and took his hand, letting him help her out of the bed. It was only when she stood up, the floor cold against her bare feet, that she realized that she was no longer in her jeans and jacket, but instead a white hospital gown that thankfully was fully connected at the back.

"Um, Doctor? Where are my clothes?" she asked hesitantly, glancing down and running a hand over the fabric that was soft and pleasant against her skin - but not hers.

He blushed, averting his eyes. "Oh. Those. Right. I had Amy change you, so that we could give you an examination and see what was wrong. They're right over there, on that shelf," he said, pointing to her left, where her clothes had been neatly folded into a stack, her boots set beside them.

She grabbed them quickly, eager to have something resembling normality. "Thanks. Is there a place where I can change, or...?" 

He nodded eagerly. "Of course. There's a bathroom off to your right that you can use. Don't worry, your cast is completely waterproof. I'll be right outside. Just let me know when you're done." He gave her an awkward smile and hurriedly stepped outside the room, the doors swishing shut after him in a way that made Lyssa think of Star Trek. 

She glanced around at her surroundings, no longer distracted by the Doctor. Contrary to when she'd first woken up in the TARDIS, this looked like a proper hospital room. It was a large room, with clean white walls and bright lights. There was some futuristic version of a computer and other various medical equipment neatly organized on a desk on the other side of the room, with cabinets and cupboards nearby, a label with their contents on each door. 

There was an unused IV stand and a display for vital signs by her own bed, built into the wall. The screen wasn't lit, indicating that it either hadn't been used, or had turned off once she was no longer in the bed. There was an open door on the right, leading to a clean, spacious bathroom, and she stepped inside, shutting and locking the door behind her. 

She quickly changed and refreshed herself as best as she could, struggling a bit with her new cast, and only then glanced at her reflection in the mirror as she was washing her hands. She was surprised by how normal she looked - her curls had been expertly pulled into a loose braid, keeping them from getting frizzy as she slept, and her color wasn't even off. If it wasn't for the hospital gown she was holding, she would've looked like she'd just spent the night in some fancy hotel, and not unconscious in a time-and-space-ship she'd never thought was real.

Unlocking the door and heading back into the main room, she remade her bed as best as she could and folded her hospital gown, glancing around before placing it in the middle of the bed. Deciding that it was as neat as she could make it, she headed for the door, only to stop just before it as a sudden bout of nerves made themselves known. 

Was she really about to do this? Explore the TARDIS with the Doctor? She'd always thought he wasn't real, but apparently she'd been wrong - this seemed to be her reality now, no matter how unbelievable it seemed. She glanced down at her hand - now with a pale purple cast on it - and remembered how painful it had felt, as opposed to now, when all she felt was something almost resembling excitement. 

She was excited to do this, she realized with no small amount of surprise. Even though this entire situation was crazy, here she was ready to go off with a man she'd known for all of five minutes. Although that wasn't exactly strange for the Doctor, she realized with amusement. 

And... for all that she barely knew the Doctor... she felt safe with him, she realized. She didn't know how she knew it, but somehow she was completely sure that not only did he have no intention of hurting her, he wanted her to be safe - to feel safe with him, in fact. He'd spoken to her like he knew her well, like a friend, like she should know him in turn - and had been unhappy when she didn't.

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