Chapter 39 - The Lonely Survivor

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Lyssa opened her eyes and found herself standing in a shadowy wasteland that instinctively made her shudder. A low fog added to the creepy atmosphere, hiding and revealing parts of the landscape in turn - dead grass and bare trees - as the howling wind blew it every which way. No one else was around and she turned in a slow circle, wondering just where the Doctor had sent her. But before she could really panic, she heard the noise of the TARDIS landing and spun around to see the ship materialize a few yards away.

The Twelfth Doctor slipped out, scanning the area - and eyes moving right past her. Jaw clenched tight, he locked the door before resting his hand on the wood, head bowed. She stepped forward hesitantly, torn between anger at his actions and worry for him. In the end, compassion won out, and she reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder as she whispered his name.

Except her hand went through his arm, and he didn't react beyond heaving a quiet sigh. She pulled her hand away in shock, and realized for the first time that it was transparent and tinged in gold. A quick glance revealed that the rest of her was as well - and that her feet didn't quite touch the ground. No wonder he hadn't heard her.

She was a ghost.

Ignoring her existential crisis, he finally turned around and narrowed his eyes on a spot in the distance, eyes narrowing. She followed his gaze and saw a single light flickering, the only sign of life for miles around. 

It was there that the Doctor traveled, hands in his pockets and a nonchalant, almost bored expression on his face. His eyes revealed the truth, however, fear and anger warring in equal measure before he hid it all behind an icy glare as she walked - well, floated, really - beside him.

Two figures appeared out of the gloom as they approached. One, the Master, wearing a cruel smirk. The other, knelt in submission by his feet, hood covering their features. The light came from a solitary lantern hovering in the air behind them, and did little to add cheer to the atmosphere. 

The Doctor stopped a few yards away, eyes flitting over the hooded figure before returning to the other Time Lord. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the fob watch they'd found earlier, and lifted it into the air, raising an eyebrow.

"I see you found my message," the Master called cheekily. "Did you like it? I left it just for you."

The Doctor regarded him coldly, fury burning in his eyes. "Let her go, Master. She has no part in this, and what you've done to her is both cruel and illegal. She'll burn up before long if you don't stop this. Just let her go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, old friend," the Master told him, giving him a sympathetic smile. "It's already too late for her. I'd say I was sorry to disappoint you, except, well..." He shrugged. "I'm really not. If it's any consolation, it didn't last long. It was actually kind of disappointing," he hummed.

"I suppose I'm used to you surrounding yourself with higher quality companions," he sighed. "Like Alyssa. Although..." He made a show of peering around and, unable to physically interact, Lyssa contented herself with maturely sticking her tongue out at him. "Where is she? Surely she would have insisted upon being here with you, at the end."

"She did," the Doctor admitted briefly. "I sent her away."

The Master raised an eyebrow. "To protect her, I suppose? How noble. Useless, in the end, but noble. How exactly like you," he sneered. "The valiant knight, protecting the weak and defenseless."

The Doctor's glare fell away, replaced with a smirk. "Yes, because that's exactly what Lyssa is. Tell me, do you still have the scar?"

Lyssa frowned, turning to look at him. There was a story there and she wanted to hear it, though she had the feeling she wouldn't be learning it any time soon. 

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