Chapter 64 - Rule Number One

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"Wrong?" Lyssa repeated, her voice rising sharply halfway through. "Doctor, you have no idea."

"Um, sorry. Is this for real?" Rory asked slowly, rubbing his eyes and blinking hard at his wife. "Amy, are you really here?"

"Real enough to slap you if you don't stop being a stupid face and help me get this big lug inside," Amy snapped, groaning and shifting the Doctor's weight around her shoulders. "We were walking through one of the gardens when everything went black. When I woke up, we were both lying on the ground, and I had the worst headache. I only just got him halfway coherent, and that's with the whole walk here!"

"Right. Sorry." Shaking his head, Rory stepped forward and grabbed the Doctor's other arm, slinging it around his shoulders and taking the weight off of Amy, who sighed in relief. Hauling the mumbling Eleventh Doctor into the TARDIS, he laid him down on the grating then moved out of the way so Amy could come in, the TARDIS lights flashing in greeting - or concern - as they did so.

"Okay, I don't know about you, but am I the only one still concerned about what's in the Infirmary just down that hallway?" Lyssa asked rhetorically, rubbing her temples where a headache was starting to form. "How is this possible?"

"You're the time travel expert, you tell me," Rory retorted before bending over the Doctor, who had closed his eyes and seemed to be losing consciousness again. "Doctor, can you hear me? Do you know where you are? he asked urgently, patting his cheeks to draw his attention.

"I'm not a time travel expert yet!" Lyssa complained, crouching by the two. "I know different regenerations have met before, but I don't think two Doctors from the same regeneration have ever met before. At least, not without the world and/or universe about to end! Or, or, or..." She frowned down at the Doctor, then winced, the throbbing in her head increasing.

"Ugh, I swear I used to know this! Anyways, things get tricky when multiple Doctors are involved. I think it's got something to do with paradoxes becoming a lot more likely, stuff like that. I don't know. Doctor!" she raised her voice. "Doctor, we need you here! Like, now!"

They heard the clattering of footsteps only a few seconds later, and the Tenth Doctor burst into the room, coat off and his sleeves rolled up. "Lyssa, what's wrong? What happened?"

Lyssa pointed at Amy and the Eleventh Doctor silently.

The Tenth Doctor looked at them, then frowned, shaking his head as if to clear it. "Hold on. Do I know you?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "Well, I don't know you, if that counts. Who're you, and what're you doing here?"

"You're Scottish, too? How many of you are there on this shi- " The Tenth Doctor froze. "No. You're not -" He looked at Lyssa with wide eyes, and she shrugged helplessly. He turned back to Amy, blinking rapidly and pointing at her. "You - you - you mean to tell me that you're Amelia? And that's the Doctor?"

"Last I checked he was," Amy snarked. "And I go by Amy now, but yeah. Mind telling me who you are?"

The Tenth Doctor ignored her. "No. No way. You've got to be having me on. You couldn't possibly - there's no way he could be -" He ran his hands through his hair. "Lyssa. Tell me you're joking," he implored, turning to her pleadingly.

She grimaced apologetically. "Doctor, say hello to Amy and the Doctor as we know them. I don't suppose you have an explanation?"

"Why do you think I was asking you for one?" he retorted bluntly, frowning at the Eleventh Doctor, who was still lying on the ground. "What happened?"

Amy looked him up and down skeptically, but answered anyways. "We were walking in the gardens when everything went black. When I woke up, I had a headache and he was still out of it. We came back here, and now you guys are all freaked out. What's going on? And you still haven't told me who you are."

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