Chapter 47 - Dalek, Part 2

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"So. You're the girl Mr. Van Statten thinks can make a Metaltron talk," Simmons said with a raised eyebrow, one hand resting on the blowtorch on the table.

Lyssa backed up against the door, feeling very trapped. "What?"

"Boss said you were going to come in, make it talk. And he said that if you weren't, I was supposed to make you talk. He seemed to think that the Metaltron would talk if you would." He grinned maliciously. "To be honest, I'm rather hoping you don't get it to talk. I've never gotten it to talk before, but I've gotten very good at making it scream."

Lyssa shuddered, pressing her back further into the door. "I hope you don't think that you're any better than the Dalek. Because you're exactly the same. Thinking yourself to be the best there is, and if anything is different, you torture it because you can!"

Simmons shrugged. "Nah. That's more the boss's gig. I'm here because I get a pretty sweet paycheck. Enough chit-chat with me, though. You have a date with a Metaltron. Excuse me. Dalek." He gestured with a pair of pliers - stained with a dark liquid - in one hand.

Lyssa swallowed hard, trying to work up the courage to act. Logically, the Dalek could do nothing to her at this moment in time. Mentally, it was literally the creature of her nightmares. "Do - do you have anything to say to me, Dalek?" she stuttered out, her sentence almost too weak to be heard.

There was silence for a long moment, long enough that Simmons began reaching for his blowtorch again.

"Why do you hate us?" the Dalek asked slowly, the lights on the top of its head blinking as it spoke.

Lyssa blinked, startled out of her fear for a moment. "I'm sorry?"

"The Doctor spoke of you surviving the Time War along with us. He was incorrect. You are too young to have endured the war. And records indicate that the female known as Alyssa Devons perished during the war."

"Yeah, well, I bet your records said that the Doctor didn't survive either," Lyssa challenged. "And what's that got to do with anything, anyways?"

"You have not endured the atrocities of the war, and yet you hate us for that which you have never seen, nor felt, nor done. You have had no recorded interactions with us at this point, yet seek to see us destroyed. You show no mercy towards one survivor of war, yet you pity the other. Why?"

"Why?" Lyssa repeated incredulously. "Why? No recorded interactions? Maybe because everyone involved never got around to reporting how many times the world almost ended because of you lot! Because they almost died, and all the Daleks who were involved, lost! And back to the why - it's because of the interactions, for one. I'm not just going off of hearsay, I know what you're like," she spat.

"I have seen you kill without mercy. I've heard your battle cry as you exterminate innocents, heard your plan for destroying the Earth. I've felt you rip the energy from my veins, nearly killing me. But that's not all. I do hate you," she stated angrily. "I hate you for all that you've done, and will do. I hate you for what you've done to millions of innocent people. But most of all, I hate you for what you've done to the Doctor!"

"You hate us for wiping out entire races?" the Dalek queried. She jerked her head in a single nod. "Then why do you not hate the Doctor for the same? We are the same."

She pushed off from the door so fast she nearly face-planted into the floor. "No! You do not get to say that! You never get to say that about you and the Doctor! Not when you've wiped out billions upon billions of lives for no other reason than because they're not Daleks! Not when he's suffered so much to save how many other billions of lives from you! And especially not when he had to do it - was forced to do it, or face the end of the universe because of you! You did it because you wanted to! He had no choice, and he lost just as much as you did! Not when I see it killing him inside every day. Not when the blood on your hands don't bother you in the slightest!

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