Chapter 100 - The Unicorn and the Wasp, Part 1

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This chapter is dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Thank you for 100 chapters of support!

Donna stepped outside of the TARDIS, raised an eyebrow at the Doctor, and sniffed in disapproval. "Lyssa says you didn't have anything to do with that, which I might believe once, but it better not happen again, you hear me? I've been scarred enough." She wagged her finger at him in warning.

The Doctor looked bewildered. "Do with what?"

"Ignore her," Lyssa scowled, stepping out from behind Donna and onto the grass, shutting the door behind her. "She's just being facetious."

"Is that what they're calling it nowadays?" the redhead scoffed. 

Lyssa heaved a very heavy sigh. "Let's just get to the party."

"Good idea!" The Doctor offered them both an arm. "Don't want to be late for cocktails!"

Despite being sometime in December, according to the Doctor, the weather was actually pleasant enough, considering neither Lyssa nor Donna wore long sleeves. The grass was still green and plants were blooming as well. Lyssa, who'd spent years in the North, where December was usually filled with several feet of snow and bare plants, promptly accused the Doctor of lying about the time of year. He'd vigorously defended his honor before they both had to quiet down as they grew close to the party.

One of the servants, a middle-aged Indian woman, looked up as they approached. "Look sharp, we have guests!" she instructed the other servants sharply. 

"Good afternoon," the Doctor said amiably, nodding his head in greeting. 

A young man hurried up to them. "Drinks sir? Madams?" he offered.

"Sidecar, please," Donna ordered with a smile.

"And a lime and soda, thank you," the Doctor decided. "Lyssa?"

She considered. "I'll just have a water, thank you."

The young man nodded. "A moment, please," he said, heading towards the house and returning with their drinks a few moments later.

"Efficient," Donna approved, taking a sip from her glass. Her eyebrows rose and she took another sip. "And good at his job."

"May I announce, Lady Clemency Eddison," the butler announced as an elegant older woman with youthful features, upswept blonde curls, and a deep blue dress glided towards them. 

"Lady Eddison," the Doctor greeted her, offering his hand.

She took it with a bemused but polite smile. "Forgive me, but who exactly might you be... and what are you doing here?" she asked, dropping his hand.

"The Doctor and Lyssa Devons," the Doctor introduced them, nodding at Lyssa and then Donna. "And this is Miss Donna Noble... of the Chiswick Nobles."

"Good afternoon, my lady," Donna said in the most posh accent Lyssa had ever heard in real life. And then she continued in the same tone, Lyssa stifling a giggle. "Topping day, what? Spiffing! Top hole!"

"Is that even English?" Lyssa muttered before offering a smile to the poor lady, who was doubtless now even more confused.

The Doctor winced, his smile abruptly dropping. "No, no, no, no, no. Don't do that, don't," he pleaded in a low voice. He turned back to Lady Eddison, pulling out the psychic paper and flipping it open with his smile once more in place. "We were thrilled to receive your invitation, my lady. We met at the Ambassador's reception," he said with all the confidence of one speaking absolute truth.

"Ah, of course," her face cleared and she put on a bright smile. "Doctor, how could I forget you?" 

"Hard to forget someone you never met," Lyssa murmured into her drink, feeling slightly bad for the poor woman who probably felt like she was going mad. At least she handled it with grace. The Doctor nudged her gently with his elbow and she blinked up at him innocently.

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