Chapter 54 - Time Heist, Part 2

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"Yes, I think we will have a lovely day," the Doctor said decisively, wrapping his hand around Lyssa's and tugging her towards one of the deposit booths. Once everyone was inside the small room, the doors shut behind them with a click. "A very lovely day with high chances of incineration. What's next?"

"Deposit booth locking. Please exhale. Your valuables will be transported up from the vault," a computerized voice announced, a small transparent tube extending from a computer panel on the opposite wall. 

Saibra, still disguised as an older gentleman, stepped forward, and, casting a nervous look at the others, breathed into the tube. It turned green and disappeared into the wall, a small panel opening to reveal a suitcase inside. Saibra returned to her original form, though she kept the DNA sample in her pocket just in case.

"Question," Psi spoke up, staring at the briefcase. "If this Architect - whoever he is - can break in here and plant this stuff, then why does he need our help?"

"Depends on what the thing is," the Doctor mused, dropping Lyssa's hand to fiddle with the latches on the briefcase. It opened to reveal several small objects and wires nestled inside. "Okay, well, I'm no expert, but fuses, timer. I'm going to stick my neck out and say bomb." He turned to Psi. "Bank schematic. Now."

The Ranger tsked in disapproval as Psi set to work on pulling up the schematics. "So rude. You could at least have said please."

The Doctor only grunted. "He's doing it, isn't he? What's the point of extra words when they would have changed nothing."

"Might have changed my opinion of you from 'completely rude' to only 'slightly rude,'" Psi interrupted sarcastically. "I've got the schematics up." He gestured to the screen in the wall, with data and floor plans displayed.

The Doctor frowned at the screen, studying it. "The floor below is all service corridors, the veins and arteries of the bank." He briefly tap danced in the middle of the floor as Psi disconnected himself, making Lyssa applaud when he finished. He just scowled at her. "He wants us to blow through the floor."

"Well, we'll die if we do that," Saibra pointed out. "Is that his plan? An elaborate way to kill us off for some ridiculous reason? Are we on some ridiculous game show?"

"Been there. Turned out to be Daleks. I don't think this is them," the Doctor dismissed. "Stop being so negative. We don't necessarily have to die. There must be a plan."

"What if the plan is, we're blowing up the floor for someone else? What if we're not supposed to make it out alive?" Clara frowned, shivering slightly. The Ranger rubbed her arms to warm her up, and received a grateful look in return, though she still looked a bit nervous.

The Doctor scowled at her. "Did you and Saibra meet to come up with these gloomy ideas? Don't be so negative. It's bad for team morale."

"What, and getting blown up won't be?" Saibra asked sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"Well, only very, very briefly," the Doctor said after some consideration, pulling out all the pieces from the briefcase and assembling them.

"Was that supposed to be comforting?" Lyssa asked slowly, crouching by him.

"I don't know. If it worked, then yes."

"Yeah, I'm afraid that's gonna be a negative, ghost rider. We humans are weird like that."

He rolled his eyes, but didn't stop working. "I knew that." He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, though, and lowered his voice. "Are you scared?"

She considered the question. "I think I am, a little bit, but more confused than anything." She remembered the man outside and shuddered, amending her statement. "Okay, I am kind of afraid of that Teller thing. That was incredibly disturbing."

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