Chapter 70 - The Clone Wars

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Lyssa bit her lip as she held the door shut, silently  praying that Rory would come out the victor in his confrontation with the fake Amy. Then, reluctantly turning her mind from him, she turned around and scanned her surroundings.

By sheer luck she seemed to have found one of the only doors that wasn't completely open to the rest of the room, the corner she was in being blocked off from the rest of the room by large boxes stacked twice as high as her head. There was another door just to her left, but she couldn't hear any signs of activity inside, so she decided to ignore it for the time being and hope that it wouldn't come back to bite her.

Not sure who all was in the room with her, she crept forward through the boxes as quietly as she could, crouched low to the ground. Reaching the end of the boxes, she poked her head around the edge, and immediately dodged back behind them again.

The fake Eleven was there, staring down at a still unconscious Ten, hanging limply from his chains.

"You know, for being one of our first specimens of a Time Lord, you're not putting up a very good fight. I know what you can survive." He laughed coldly. "I know what you will survive, thanks to your future self's memories, wherever he might be." He crouched low, so that his face was close to the Doctor's. "You've survived so much. It almost seems a pity that this is where you fall. Don't take it personally, Doctor. It's just business."

He stood up with a sigh, seeming to study the Doctor's still form. "I could make it easier on you if you complied, but something tells me you won't. Not without her, at least. Good thing I've got her, then." He paused, his hand going to his ear. "Yes, I'm here. Send Maesita to do the conversion on her now. I want as much information on the girl as I can get, the Time Lord's locked most of it away behind shields I can't get through. He'll spill whatever we want if we play our cards right."

He paused again, a slow grin creeping onto his face. "Really? Well that does change things. Keep him there until I arrive. I'll be there shortly." He dropped his hand and leaned down, putting his mouth by the Doctor's ear and adopting a false cheer. "I'm going to have a playmate for you soon. Have a nice nap! It'll be time to wake up all too soon."

The Doctor didn't respond, didn't even twitch. The false Eleven scoffed, standing to his feet and kicking him lightly. "Pathetic. I can't wait until you've been merged and we're done with this whole business." Stalking to the set of double doors, he looked back one last time and smirked. "Sweet dreams," he crooned before disappearing through them, the doors falling shut with an ominous click.

Lyssa waited a minute to be sure he wasn't immediately coming back before setting her pipe on the floor and darting towards the Doctor, falling to her knees in front of him. "Doctor!" she hissed, tentatively shaking his shoulder. "Can you hear me? Are you all right?" 

Tugging on his chains in a pathetic and inevitably fruitless attempt to free him, she paused when he didn't respond. Looking him over for signs of injury, she frowned when she caught sight of a slight discoloration behind some of the hair that had fallen over his forehead.

Pushing the hair back, she sucked in a breath at the developing bruise spread across his right temple. Brushing her fingers lightly across it, she winced in sympathy at the large bump already forming. "That's not gonna be fun when you wake up," she whispered. "But, you know, it would be nice if you did wake up; so would you mind picking up the pace a little?"

Brushing his hair back, she let her hand fall to the side of his face, wishing he wasn't hurt. A rush of warmth went through her hand where they were touching, and a flash of gold appeared around her hand, swirling through her skin and into the Doctor's.

She jerked her hand back as if it had been burned, staring at it with wide eyes. That had never happened before. It almost looked like regeneration energy, except... she didn't have regeneration energy. Or at least, she didn't used to have it. She swallowed hard, trying not to freak out. This was just more proof of her changing, becoming less human. Becoming more like the woman in the hotel.

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