Chapter 87 - Trouble and Trust

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Lyssa just continued to stare at him, mortification shutting down every single part of her brain that might be considered useful in this situation, and even a few that couldn't. 

He blinked up at her, warm affection filling his green eyes. "Still disoriented after your jump?" he asked, his smirk gentling into something much softer. 

Words still escaping her because her brain was apparently useless, she just nodded. All else aside, it was technically true. Her stomach felt all fluttery and she didn't think her legs would be very steady if she tried to walk right now.

She mercilessly quashed the one still functioning part of her brain that suggested that perhaps it wasn't the jumping that left her scrambling.

He yawned, one hand lifting up from her waist to cover his mouth before settling lightly on her back. "Well, you're welcome to take a kip if you want, I was just," he yawned again, his eyes closing, "resting my eyes a bit. Been a long... long few weeks." He yawned yet again, rolling onto his side and bringing her with him, leaving her head resting on his arm a few inches from his face and his other arm draped across her waist, the movement seeming completely natural as he shut his eyes.

All hope of ever being able to speak again vanished forever along with all her brain cells as her face lit on fire. She'd never seen him be this... touch-inclined... before. It didn't feel... bad or anything, just slightly awkward and maybe a tiny bit pleasant but... still. Something felt weird. Like maybe he was thinking of somebody else? He was pretty out of it... She shifted uncomfortably at the thought, something heavy sinking in her stomach and killed the fluttery feeling she'd been feeling earlier.

Except no, that wasn't right. River had already confirmed they weren't a thing in this universe, and Eleven hadn't really had anyone else that he was that close with on the show. Here... she didn't think he did either, given that she was supposed to be his best friend and he'd never mentioned it. 

Except he had mentioned that one friend who he was close to back after they'd left Atrellian, and he'd seemed very fond of them...?

She shook her head, trying to dismiss the unpleasant thought. He'd never actually confirmed that he felt anything romantic for that person, and she refused to be the girl who refused to let her male friends have any female friends. Not that she had a right to do any of that anyways, as she wasn't in a romantic relationship with the Doctor, and even if she was he was his own person, and... She shook her head again, at herself this time. These thoughts were getting her nowhere, and served no useful purpose.

The Doctor provided a useful distraction when he roused himself slightly, heavy eyes blinking open again. "Unless you wanted to do something. I'm not - I'm not that tired, I can still take us on a trip if you want." 

Higher brain functions finally restored thanks to the convenient if unpleasant distractions, Lyssa managed to chuckle at him, glancing pointedly at the heavy bags under his eyes. "Get some sleep, Doctor," she told him softly. "You look like you need it." She tried to stand up, but his arms tightened around her. 

"Please - stay?" he asked quietly, expression pleading. 

She frowned, wondering if he'd been through something recently. Or maybe he'd been having bad dreams and just didn't want to be alone. Still, she couldn't exactly say no to him, not if he needed her- needed someone there with him. "Okay. I'll - I'll stay," she told him hesitantly. "But I am gonna need to shift to be more comfortable." 

He reluctantly let go of her and she sat up, leaning up against a nearby tree and stretching her legs out comfortably. To her surprise he followed her, settling down next to her and resting his head on her lap, draping one arm across her legs while he grabbed her hand with the other, intertwining his fingers with her own. 

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