Chapter 53 - Time Heist, Part 1

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"Wait, what?" she squawked, taking a startled step back. "Memory wipe? What? Doctor?"

He shook his head. "I can't tell you yet, I'm sorry. It's too soon. Do you trust me?" His tone was light, but his eyes searched hers earnestly.

She flushed under his steady gaze, remembering how she had imagined him telling her she was loved back in wherever she was, but returned it honestly. "Yes. With my life." She paused before amending, "Maybe not your driving, but I trust you."

He scoffed, tapping her on the forehead. "And they call me rude."

"That's because you are, old man," a British voice called out jovially. A head popped up from behind the Doctor's shoulder, revealing a familiar face with a brown pork pie hat atop his head. "Now that you actually remember me, hullo, Lyssa!"

She squinted at him, trying to place him. Her head started to spin and she blinked rapidly, rubbing her temple. "Sorry. I can't quite... I know I know you," she apologized, "But I can't quite remember you right now."

The Doctor gently pushed her hands away, stepping in front of her and studying her face, setting his hands on her temples and rubbing gently. "Looks like it's just a side effect from the memory wipe. Things got a bit stirred up in there, blurring a few of the memories. Should be gone soon. Your memories'll settle. Oh!" 

He patted his pockets and and pulled out a folded slip of paper, handing it to her. "Take this. Don't look at it!" he added hastily when she started to open it. "You can't look at it! You'll have to show me when this is all over."

"When what's all over?" she objected unhappily. "Doctor, what's going on?"

He slid his hands down to her shoulders, resting them there, and waited until she met his eyes to continue. "Lyssa, this is important. In a few moments, I and everyone else at that table over there are going to lose our memories of the last hour. We're going to be as confused as you, all right? But we're all doing this willingly, for a very good reason. This paper is the key to unlocking your memories when it's all over. Show it to me, and I'll be able to bring them back. You'll understand the need for secrecy shortly. And for your own sake, don't try and look ahead. It will only bring you harm."

She nodded reluctantly, following him and the man behind him to the table where three other people sat, although she was happy to recognize Clara, in a tailored suit, among them. One of the others was a young man with part of his head shaved, and cybernetic implants placed above his right ear. The other was a young, dark-skinned woman, only the skin of her face showing beneath her headscarf. They both nodded at her in acknowledgement as she sat down next to them.

"Are we all ready?" the Doctor asked the group, taking his own seat. There was mumbled reluctant agreement, then they all placed their hands on a lump on the table she now saw to be vaguely worm-shaped next to a metal briefcase. The next instant, they all cried out in shock and jerked their hands away, although the dark-skinned woman's cheeks briefly puffed out in imitation of the worms. Lyssa couldn't stop a startled cry along with the woman as she released it.

"Doctor?" Clara asked, sounding as confused as she felt.

"Don't touch it," the Doctor ordered, scanning the room.

"Where are we? How did we get here, though?" Clara insisted, inching back from the still moving worm.

"Who are you? Sorry, what's going on? I don't understand," the young man with the implants complained, taking his hand off the worm with disgust.

"Ugh! What is that thing?" the dark-skinned woman cried, her face going back to normal as soon as she stopped touching it.

"It's a memory worm," the Doctor answered absent-mindedly. "Deletes your memories. Ranger?" He frowned at the sight of the man she vaguely recognized, then caught sight of her. "Lyssa? When did you get here?"

Lost In Time: A Doctor Who FanfictionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara