Chapter 72 - Wherein Irony Happens and Drama Ensues

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Lyssa took a deep breath, absorbing all the implications of that statement. How do you respond to that? More to the point, how would she protect Amelia from a man with all the strength of a Time Lord and none of the morals? 

The most important thing was getting Amelia out of reach of Maken. The Eleventh Doctor's chains extended far enough from the wall that he could hold her safely, while Rory was being restrained by his guards a few yards away. If she could get Amelia to the Doctor and then take out at least one of the guards with the element of surprise and her pipe, Rory could probably handle the other one.

Which left Maken.

Well, she'd just have to figure something out on the fly. She'd been standing there mutely for at least a minute now, and he was starting to look at her oddly. The last thing she needed was him getting suspicious and trying something while Amelia was still at risk.

Forcing a smirk onto her face, she inclined her head to Maken. "Let's at least let them say goodbye to her, first," she suggested with false cheer. "We don't want anyone saying we're completely heartless, you know."

Maken narrowed his eyes at her, and for a terrifying second she thought the gig was up. Then he relaxed and chuckled proudly. "Of course not. Let them say goodbye. It's always such a hard thing to watch families say goodbye for the last time." He pretended to wipe a tear, inclining his head towards Rory as he spoke. Rory looked furious, renewing his struggles to get free from his guards.

Lyssa bit back the urge to say something that would give her away too soon, keeping her face calm as she carried Amelia over to the Doctors and Rory. The guard closest to Eleven didn't have his back to her, so she probably wouldn't be able to knock him out, but she could at least catch him off guard and hopefully give Rory enough time to act. 

Rory stilled as she brought Amelia toward him, and she made brief eye contact, nodding her head at him ever so slightly before darting her eyes down towards Amelia, then Eleven, then back to him. Understanding glimmered in his eyes, and he inclined his head the tiniest bit in acknowledgement.

"Say goodbye while you still can, Mr. Williams," she said aloud. "I understand that the smaller they are, the quicker they go. And our little redhead here is quite small," she reminded him with mock pity.

Rory glared at her. "You won't get away with this," he snarled, voice dripping with hatred.

She raised her chin and looked up at him coldly. "I have no plans of getting away, Mr. Williams. I plan on staying right here. But if that's all you have to say, then I suppose you don't want to say goodbye. Pity." She waved at him with her fingers, smiling sarcastically. "Bye, now."

She turned from him to the Doctors, her heart rate increasing with every step she took. Adjusting her grip on the pipe so that it was clamped between her arm and her side, she tried to figure out how to telegraph her plan to them before deciding that they would figure it out soon enough. 

Shifting Amelia so that she could easily hand her off to the Doctor, she found Eleven's gaze before glancing pointedly down at Amelia, then back up at him. His eyes widened, and he started to shake his head, but she acted before he could, tossing Amelia gently at him and barely waiting to see him catch her before pivoting on her right foot and catching the pipe before it could hit the ground. 

Forcing all thought of everything else out of her mind, she wrapped her hands firmly around the pipe and swung without hesitation at the guard closest to her. Already half-focused on her after seeing her toss Amelia to the Doctor, he was able to bring up his arm and block the hit from landing with full force, but the hit was still strong enough to make him stagger to the side and make her blanch at the sound of the solid smack.

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