Chapter 43 - Victory of the Daleks, Part 1

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Lyssa opened her eyes as solid ground appeared beneath her feet, and promptly wished she hadn't. Everything was spinning around like she was on the world's worst roller coaster, and she staggered back, one hand coming to rest on a cool metal wall as she tried to reorient herself. It was difficult when the floor was swaying like she was on a ship at sea, and she was fairly certain her eyes were going around in circles like a dazed character in a cartoon. 

Eventually, however, the world began to slow, and she let out a grateful breath as the walls slowly settled into place. Blinking away the last residual elements of her dizziness, she took the chance to look around and actually take in her surroundings without them revolving around her. 

It was definitely the TARDIS, she could tell that much, and the sleek blue-gray walls pointed to Eleven or Twelve as opposed to Nine or Ten's burnt orange look. Actually, she could probably narrow it down even further - there was a light orange hue that meant it was probably Eleven during his time with the Ponds, given that she was pretty sure it got darker after they left. 

Which didn't actually narrow it down that much, but still helped. 

Now she just needed to figure out where she was on the TARDIS, and then find the Doctor. She knew he would be okay after she had been forced to leave - the fact she was at some point in his future was answer enough - but she just... wanted to know for a fact. To hear it from him. 

She glanced around, the hallway continuing on in both directions until it vanished around curves. She grimaced. No help there, it would seem. Sighing, she picked a direction at random and headed down it. There were no flashing lights or anything else to warn her off, so it seemed as good as any. 

She took back the thought a few minutes later as something small and round with very sharp teeth and too many legs darted from a cross corridor in front of her before vanishing down the other side. She bit back a shriek, clutching a hand to her chest as she looked down the hallway, only to find no sign of the creature. 

She shook her head. "I didn't see anything," she told herself under her breath as she forced herself to move on. "Just... stress. That's all. Lack of sleep. There's definitely nothing loose on the TARDIS." 

She hoped. 

She caught sight of the entrance to the console room just ahead and let out a sigh of relief, hearing the low murmur of voices inside. She glanced around as she stopped at the top of the stairs into the console room, the familiar warm glow welcoming her, and spotted the Eleventh Doctor and Amy standing with their backs to her by the console, with no sign of Rory. 

She frowned, hoping the man was around. It'd been a while since she'd seen him, and she hadn't forgotten the kindness he'd shown her during the few times she'd seen him. At least she could see the Doctor looked well, smiling as he spoke in a low voice to Amy. 

"Room for one more?" she called, skipping down the stairs, and they both spun to her. 

"Lyssa!" the Doctor lit up, hurrying over to pull her into a hug she gratefully accepted. "It's been far too long since I've seen you." 

Amy rolled her eyes. "She was here this morning," she said dryly, leaning against the console and crossing her arms, though she gave Lyssa a friendly smile and wave when she saw her looking. 

"Practically a lifetime," the Doctor complained, tightening his grip on Lyssa for just a moment before pulling back to grip her shoulders and look her over. "So, where've you been, then?" 

She hesitated, suddenly reluctant to tell him and risk bringing pack the pain she had seen Nine wear for so long. She knew Eleven still felt it - that all versions of him did, always would on some level, no matter how far they had come in healing. But she didn't want to bring it all rushing back without warning - or at least, not with Amy right there when she didn't know if he considered the redhead a close enough friend yet. 

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