Happy Times Before The Storm

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  Author's Note: I know I already have a lot of stories, but this is part of my texting stories that I'm already doing on youtube, so I figured I'm already doing it. I might as well use it in an actual story as well. This is going to be an AU version of my story Why Did You Leave Us Too. It's connected in that the original storyline is the same, but everything other than that is not part of my Why Did You Leave Us Too and Left Behind series as I didn't want this to be in that series since I want to keep that series as it is already. Also warning this story will be dealing with heavy topics like children's cancer. I promise I will be doing the research, so that I can write it as accurately as possible because I like to do my stories on real problems that people face especially when it comes to children since I understand that not everything is always happy and good all the time. Anyway sorry for my long rant now onto the story. And please let me know what you all thought so far. 

Jane laughed as she sat with Carlos in his sister's dorm. It was the weekend again which meant Carlos was back for the weekend. Jane had decided to come with him since Ava agreed that he could bring her as long as nothing happened.

Right now Ava was out studying with her friends leaving Carlos and Jane in charge. Jane laughed as she watched Carlos bounce his small sister making her giggle. "You know you're such a sweet guy!" Jane told Carlos, making him blush.

"Aw thanks!" Carlos embarrassingly told Jane, making her laugh. "I'm serious! I mean I just love how you care so much about your baby sister and dropped everything to help her!" Jane gushingly told Carlos, making him blush red again.

"Yeah I mean I love her! She's my adorable little puppy! I would just be so heartbroken if anything bad ever happened to her! Isn't that right Mally!" Carlos told Jane and then the small toddler as he tickled the small girl making her laugh again.

"Aw!" Jane screamed out excitedly as she just loved seeing her secret crush be such a sweetheart especially with his adorable baby sister.

Carlos just blushed again as he looked up and got a good look at Jane's sparking doe eyes as he lost all concentration. "You know um Jane I have to tell you something," Carlos nervously told his crush as he was finally feeling confident enough to tell her the truth.

"Sure you can tell me anything! We're best friends!"Jane told Carlos, making him sigh as those words secretly hurt. He didn't want to be in the friend zone. Carlos just took a deep breath as he decided to go for it anyway.

"Yeah best friends oh you got me!" Carlos told Jane in a joking voice so she would think he was just playing around as he was starting to have doubts again about doing this.

Jane just watched Carlos as she could tell he was telling her anything. "So what do you have to say," Jane asked Carlos, hoping to get him to tell her what he had originally wanted to say.

Carlos just sighed as he took a deep breath knowing he was too far gone and he would have to do it now.

"Okay so um I know you don't see me like this but I think you're such an amazing girl and you're so pretty and I sorta have had a crush on you for years now since I first met you when I first enrolled at Auradon Prep!" Carlos rambled out nervously making Jane immediately start blushing as she looked at him.

Jane had also been secretly crushing on Carlos, but was too afraid that he wouldn't like her like that and she would be crushed, but now she knew that wasn't true.

"Wait really! Oh my gosh that's amazing! I feel the same way! I mean ever since I met you two years ago when you were basically raising your baby sister all on your own at 12 years old! I remember thinking you were such an amazing guy and just so sweet!" Jane rambled out making Carlos blush and smile as he knew his crush liked him back and he was so happy now.

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