Oh Baby- Kalani Hilliker

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//Y'alls makin out and Jett appears//

//Y/N's POV//

It was normal for you and Kalani to get a little to lovey dovey, but making out was normally as far as you two went. And that was what was happening right now. Kalani had you pinned down on the bed, running her hands along your sides as she dominated your mouth. Your hands were gentle on her waist, pulling her closer to you. Kalani had just been on tour for a long time, and you had really missed her. This was normally how it was when she got back, and clearly neither of you minded. The only issue was that Kira didn't know about you guys. She thought you guys were just eating junk food and watching movies. You jokingly flipped the both of you over, cupping her cheek as you kissed her harder and deeper. That was when you heard the door open. You flung yourself off of Kalani, her lipstick on your lips as she flipped out. Then you realized it was just Jett, her toddler brother. Thank god it wasn't Kira. Letting out a sigh, you fixed your shirt and hair, watching Kalani do the same. You bit your bottom lip, savouring her taste on your lips as she crouched next to her brother.

"Kanni!" He exclaimed, making grabby hands for Kalani to pick him up. He'd gotten good at walking, not so much at names and talking yet. Then little Jett noticed you were there and got all smiley, which made you smile and blush.

"Kanni! Y/N! Kissy!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands as Kalani blushed, shaking her head. You gently held to Jett's hand, hoping that Kira wouldn't hear anything. God, you were so nervous for Kira to find out, and you didn't want her to find out this way.

"No! No..it was..fun! Y/N and I were having fun!" Kalani spoke happily, Jett looking a little surprised. Then he patted Kalani's arm to get down, your girlfriend setting him down gently as he ran off, both of you happy you had dodged a bullet.


Kira had to go to the grocery store quick, and Dave (Kira's boyfriend) had to run to the hardware store. So you were both waving them goodbye, then they kissed each other goodbye. That was where it went wrong.

"Fun!" Jett exclaimed and Kira gave him a weird look. Kira took Jett into her arms, knowing that someone had taught him a different word for that.

"Who taught you that?" She asked, Kalani and I trying not to be suspicious as Jett giggled. It was almost like he knew what he was doing at 3 years old! You really hoped this didn't go terribly.

"Kanni! Y/N! Fun!" That was when Kira got the hint, handing Kalani back her brother as she looked to the two of you. God, you were terrified. Kira could see it in your eyes and she thought it was a little funny. She wasn't even being mean or anything, just her normal voice and everything. Just knowing that you could lose your girlfriend in an instant, just petrified you. Kira poked her head out the door when she was about to leave.

"And no fun while I'm gone." She spoke, a playful smirk on her face as you nodded quick. But it all worked out, and you got to stay with Kalani. Kira was actually very happy for you two, thanks Jett.

//Sorry this took a little bit. I hope you like it!//

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