Campus- Brooke Hyland

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//Brooke brings you to her campus//

//Y/N's POV//

It was hard to believe that Brooke was heading off to college next week. And to be honest, it was really taking a toll on you. You two were spending every minute together, including when she had to start bringing her stuff to her dorm to unpack. Brooke soon stepped out of the passenger seat, smiling widely at the new school. You on the other hand, didn't have a smile to show. Grabbing out her bags, you two were soon walking up the stairs to her dorm room. You set down her bags on her bed, soon sitting on it yourself. Brooke was humming a song as she began to unpack her clothes, stopping when she noticed you sitting on her bed.

"Cmon Y/N, we gotta get this all unpacked before the day ends." She teased, then she crouched down and noticed the tears in your eyes as your head hung.

"Hey, Y/N..what's the matter?" She asked, gently cupping your cheek as she wiped away your tears.

"'re gonna be here, I won't get to s-see you...h-h-how can we be sure long distance will even work?" You sobbed, Brooke pulling you in for a hug as you cried into her shoulder, while Brooke was searching for the right words.

"Look at me Y/N. We're going to get through this. We'll FaceTime every night, text all the time, and you can come and visit me whenever you want. And I'll do the same. We will get through this, because our love is stronger than this. But you have to be strong too, okay?" She asked as she cupped your cheeks, a smile appearing on her face as you nodded.

"Good now..." She trailed off before jumping on top of you, attacking you with a bunch of kisses to your face. Brooke hates it when your sad, so she always tries to make it right. You started laughing as Brooke did as well, both of you dying down soon.

"We'll be okay. And if you ever feel this way again, talk to me, okay?" She asked, holding out her pinky as you smirked, pressing a kiss to her lips instead. You figured that was a much better source of promise.

//sorry these are so short! I really liked this chapter tho! Feel free to request!//

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