My Light- Mack Z

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//When Kenzie experiences writers block//

//Y/N's POV//

Kenzie was always one to keep her music ideas secret, but she had been at her desk, tapping her pencil against the desk as she hadn't moved in hours. You had been invited over, but all she had been focusing on was her music. Slowly, you got up from her bed, gently hugging her from behind, noticing the blank sheet of paper that didn't even have a title.

"Writer's block?" You asked, Kenzie slowly nodding her head yes. Letting out a sigh, you spun her chair around, picking her up bridal style and moving both of you over to her bed, sitting on the edge with Kenzie in your lap. She giggled a little at what you had said, leaning on you as she sighed.

"I just don't know what to write about. Then I might have some kind of a spark or something..but I can't think of anything to write about.." She mumbled, then you got an idea, gently taking her hair out of the loose ponytail, gently running your fingers through it.

"Tell you what, we'll do a movie night, try and see if we can spark somethin for you to write about..okay?" You spoke, seeing her happy little grin as she moved off of you, so you could go and grab the snacks. Her favorite chocolates, a whole lot of popcorn and four sodas, two for each of you. Kenzie was in one of your sweaters, a little big on her, the sleeves covering her hands. You couldn't help but 'aw' at the sight, handing her the snacks so you could hop into her bed.

"So what first?" You asked, scrolling through Netflix, eventually finding her favorite movie. Knowing she'd choose that, you started it before she said anything. She cuddled up under your arm, and you pressed a kiss to her forehead, watching her munch away on chocolate and popcorn. Eventually, you two fell asleep. Kenzie woke up a few hours later, while you were still passed out. She sat there admiring your sleeping form, thinking how lucky she was to have you. Then she got an idea. Slowly, she got out from under your arm, going to her desk and writing away. She'd replaced herself with a pillow, and you could barely tell the difference.


A few hours later, you finally woke up. Kenzie was at her desk, writing away like it was her life on the line. She must've gotten inspiration somewhere, but you weren't exactly sure what it could've been. You walked up behind her, hugging her from behind again. The moment she felt your touch, she hid the paper, while you tried grabbing it.

"Cmon, I wanna see!" You whined playfully, Kenzie shaking her head no and looking over to you. Her cheeks were red, both of her soda cans were empty and the popcorn was basically gone. And who knew where the candy wrappers were. All this got you thinking, then you realized how late it was.

"How long have you been working? What's it about anyway?" You asked, Kenzie looking over to her phone as even she was surprised. The time had flown by, and she'd only written a good half of the song.

"Probably about three hours." She stated, gently grabbing your arm and running her thumb along your arm, resting her head against your arm.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." You pouted, deciding to leave her be as you turned on more movies. Little did you know, you were the inspiration. And that's how "My Light" was born.

//Should I do a part two? I got an idea for it but idk if you guys would read it//

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