Lekha 82

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The other girls had left for their own rooms to complete their beauty sleep.

While I sat in my room listening to the one-sided chatter by Vaishali. I suddenly recalled the promise made to me by Rudra of giving a safe passage to my friends after 'his' marriage. Anil and Vaishali had yet to decide on their travel plans.

 Anil had not attended or as I believed had been stopped from attending most of the wedding rituals, but whenever he did I saw him look unhappily towards me making me feel guilty about him being stuck here because of me. We had yet to have our talk.

"You have started giving those brides' like vibes... You know absent-minded ... Lost in a dream sequence somewhere singing around the tree with her 'husband'." teased Vaishali emphasizing on the husband.

"I am feeling tired as I got only a few hours of sleep last night and then again had to wake up early in the morning to go worship in the temple while you were sleeping," I said annoyed.

"Even I went to the temple with you... Yes, I had those extra few minutes but they don't count... You can't whine about it"

"Ooo you are whiney because you miss Rudra ... Poor you had to make do with me as a substitute" she teased.

"Let me rest Vaishali... I have to again go downstairs to see off the guests who are leaving"

"You are like a grumpy bear. You are no fun"

She left me alone in the room as I laid on the bed for a little bit of eye shut. Only a few minutes must have passed when I felt a heavy hand on my shoulders trying to shake me awake.

"Leave me alone... Vaish..." I said angrily as I turned around but saw Rudra standing there instead of Vaishali.
I gave him a glare and ignoring him I turned my back towards him.

"Can we talk?" he asked softly.

"No," I said in a rude tone, even though I was dying to talk to him and fulfil my curiosity.

Let him beg I decided. It wasn't that I would actually 'die' of curiosity. I could now take my own sweet time and keep him hanging in a loop just like he had done with me.

"Lekha.." he let out a big sigh. He seemed frustrated but then I was feeling the triumph of being a sadist towards him.

"You have to talk to me... Look don't throw tantrums like a child ... we are adults here. We can resolve things... Let me explain"

I lay still not turning towards him as at that moment I was getting satisfaction out of his misery. I didn't want to be the bigger person.

"Lekha that day when you..."

"What are you doing here bhaisa ... Didn't maasa say no sharing the room" teased Vasundhara.

The moment I heard her I turned around and sat up to watch the ultimate humiliation of my torturer. He seemed flustered at being caught and looked towards me uselessly with hopeful eyes. I gave him a blank look as if I too wondered why he had come. If he thought that things would get fine so soon he was mistaken. I was in the mood for war.

I loved him and there was no doubt about it but then there was something called female pride which he had the audacity to hurt. He had to suffer.

"I had just come to talk to Lekha" he said sounding grim.

"About what?" Vasundhara asked with her hands on her hips.

She seemed to be enjoying it as in general he being the eldest was always acting authoritatively and this was her payback time. He again looked towards me as if trying to gauge my reactions.

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