Lekha 23

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"O ... we are so happy for you. Now should we call you bhabisa (sister in law) "laughed Vasundhara.

"O I never knew you and bhaisa..."teased Gayatri wiggling her brows towards her brother.

I was still in a state of surprise at the sudden intrusion and blushed to my toes at their teasing. The blush was more due to being teased in front of Rudra rather than at the words themselves. Rudra seemed to have gone stoic as well and didn't react to the teasing.

He said in an emotionless voice" You girls talk. I have things to do."

In a way I was glad to get rid of his conceited presence, but then why did I feel hurt. Though I was still young to get married but like all girls even I would have like to have respect and liking in a marriage if not passionate love. I turned my face the other way so as not to let my hurt show, especially to Rudra.

"What ... bhaisa how can you leave so soon. We have not even had time to felicitate you both together. And what work can be more important than this or tell me are you feeling shy." said Gayatri with her hands on her hips.

"Moreover everyone is coming here to give ashirwad (blessings) to you both. We just rushed in before them ,despite maasa forbidding us as we could not contain our excitement" said Vasundhara.

I didn't know how he was taking it all behind my back but his "Alright" sounded very resigned , as I heard him move away towards the other end of the room.

"Now tell me... bhabisa... when did you fall for bhaisa or was it the other way round?" said Gayatri putting her arms around my shoulders trying to look at my bent face.

I myself was slowly coming to terms with the proposal and with Rudra standing there my creative juices took a hike, as I couldn't tell a lie about him and especially in front of him. I stood mute there unable to pass this test.

"Come on ... don't test our patience. We are dying to hear the story while wondering when we missed it all" said Vasundhara in a pleading tone.

I was just about to utter some kind of pacifying remark when Rudra said" Don't pester her. I had proposed not her."

I was shell shocked as Rudra took the whole onus on himself and then again I was confused too at his sudden change in behavior. I realized that maybe he was doing it all for maasa .Was this the story maasa had asked him to narrate to others. Well till the time I was off the hook who was I to judge.

Now the girls were upon Rudra barging him with questions.

"When did you get time to meet bhabisa? We never saw you talking to her" said Vasundhara.

"Near the temple" said Rudra in a monotone , hardly sounding like a person in love.

"So you fell in love with her ... like love at first sight" prodded Gayatri.


"Did bhabisa know you fell for her?" asked Gayatri, almost sounding like cop interrogating.

Here Rudra paused a bit and took a quick glance towards me "No".

"O ... so this is the first time you are confessing your love and look Gayatri we interrupted the love birds" snickered Vasundhara not at all sounding remorseful.

"Go ahead. We can close our ears and stand in the corner or do you want us to go out" teased Gayatri.

As I looked up towards Rudra it seemed he was regretting staying here.

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