Lekha 19

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I woke up to the sound of giggling coming from somewhere close by. I opened my slowly to see Vasundhara , Gayatri and another girl who had become quite friendly since yesterday's celebration. Maitri was part of the group who had helped me climb up the stools to peep over the terrace wall. I had been lucky that none of the elderly women were there to see us, as it would have led to huge scandal. It was too much of excitement that had lead me to commit such a rash act without thinking of Mahadevi sa's reputation, I later justified to myself. The six girls who were with me at that time had all joined with enthusiasm in supporting me.

Right now the girls were all giggling about something taking Vikram's name.

"What are you girls gossiping about right in the morning ?"I asked.

"Vikram bhaisa seem to be in love."giggled Gayatri.

I could feel my cheeks grow warm as this all reminded me of the accusations made by Rudra. I wondered if what he had said was right after all, though I had played no part in entrapping or tempting anyone like he had accused me.

"Who is the girl?" I asked hesitatingly , trying to show that I was unaffected.

"O that we don't know." said Vasundhara."Maitris's brother heard Vikram  bhaisa and Udai bhaisa talking about it and he told his mother in passing , wondering who she could be and Maitri overheard it. She came here to confirm the news. Isn't it fun. We can soon have another wedding to attend and celebrate. I am so excited."

Vasundhara and Gayatri  literately jumped around feeling excited.

"How can you be so sure if you don't know who the girl is?" I asked. "Maybe the girl will .... I mean the girl's parent's acceptance has to be also taken in consideration and also we have to know what the girl feels."

"I don't think the parents will be much of a problem. Anyone will feel privileged to be associated with our family" said Gayatri with pride in her voice.

"Lekha is right we have to consider the girl's feelings too" said Vasundhara .

"Let's ask Vikram sa who the fortunate girl is" said Maitri excited.

"It can be you too" I smiled at her teasingly, a bit relieved that mine was not the name being associated.

She blushed deeply at that, making me realize that she actually wouldn't mind being associated with Vikram and maybe she actually was infatuated by the dimpled cheek boy. I seem to recall now that she had been one in the audience when Vikram had enthralled the ladies with his beautiful song.

After much ribbing and teasing of Maitri as the other two too caught on the theme we moved on to get ready for the day.

After breakfast we were asked by a maid to meet Mahadevi sa in one of the halls. I felt a bit nervous to be meeting the male members of the clan for the first time and prayed that they liked me.

Vasundhara and Gayatri both squeezed my hand in a show of solidarity and support as we entered the hall.

We did our customary pranams to all present there. I was relieved to see that only a few elders were present there for the introductions. It seemed that Mahadevi sa had already given my introductory story to all and everyone was expecting me, as I got a welcoming smile from all except one who seemed to have made it a habit to frown at me. I in my turn smiled at all politely ignoring Rudra.

The best way to defeat one's enemy was to appear extra happy in front of him, I thought as I added one small innocent cuss word for him in my mind.

Everyone welcomed me warmly as I was introduced to all one by one. The worst part was when they sympathized about the loss of my parents and had a good word to say about them. Though the main story was false but the loss was real, so it made my eyes shine a bit with unshed tears. It almost felt like the time when people had come to sympathize with me after the death of my parents, but here unlike that time I had a family who was ready to enfold me in their love giving me a sense of belonging.

I was introduced to Gayatri's father Ranveer Singh as the head of the family , who though looked a bit stern had a twinkle in his eyes as he smiled at me. He was a tall man around 6 foot and very well built like a warrior. I could imagine him vanquishing his enemy with one stroke of his sword in a battle. I saw where the sons got there good looks from. Gayatri was more like her mother in looks, who had classic delicate looks.

"Lekha dear, you can call me tausa(father's elder brother) like all of Bhanu's (Vasundhara's father) children. If bahu rani (wife of younger brother –here referred to Mahadevi sa) had not claimed her right first we would have loved to have you join our brood"he said in a kind tone. I was much touched by his words as I thanked him for his kind words.

"Welcome back daughter" said Vasundhara's father with much joviality when his turn came, as if indeed I was their long lost daughter. He looked quite different from his brother though he was equal in stature as him. He had laughing eyes full of kindness. It seems Vasundhara had got her jovial nature from her father as her mother in turn looked more authoritative. "I hope these girls had not been troubling you much and taking good care of you" he said putting his palm on my head in affection.

I nodded in response shyly ."I am indeed very grateful to both of you that you have welcomed me into your family "I said softly with a faint tremor in my voice as I had become quite emotional.

"Look at this little girl Mahadevi , she is talking of gratefulness like an old granny. Lekha dear we are indeed blessed that a sweet child like you has joined our family. You are just like Vasundhara and Gayatri to us , so never think of yourself as separate and you have as much right on us as they have."

"Yes dear and do call me maasa. You are no longer an outsider" said Mahadevi sa seconding her husband.

"And I am your Taisa (wife of father's elder brother)" said Gayatri's mother with a smile.

"We are the brothers" said Vikram and Udai bhaisa in unison, laughing at the formal introductions.

This ended up lightening the atmosphere, as everyone laughed at their antics except for one sulky person standing apart.

"I don't think Rudra needs an introduction as you two have already met, I heard" said Mahadevi sa trying to include him and also hinting at what she must have already heard about our first meeting from Rudra.

I simply nodded my head without looking at him in acknowledgement.

We stayed there for some time talking to Mahadevis sa now my maasa , about the wedding. With everyone present I couldn't get any further details from her but she seemed to have related via eye contact that what I had told her had come true. It left me with great relief.

We were told to pack all our belongings properly as we were leaving for now my home too, early morning the next day.

We were soon scurried away as the elders had to bid farewell to other people, who were leaving soon for their own estates. 

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