Lekha 14

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Next morning I woke up quite early almost at dawn. No not due any alarm clock ,more because of having had another restless night again. My brain refused to let me sleep as it kept focusing on the mystery of the alcove and the 'if then else' factors of my being unsuccessful in returning back to my time.

As dawn approached I had slowly started coming to an understanding that it was best to leave things in the hands of my destiny. I just didn't want to be caught unawares in anything was the only problem.

I took out my camera from the Vasundhara's trunk careful not to wake her up.

It had around 80% battery still there, enough for my purpose. I looked in the display section and saw the photographs which I had clicked earlier in my time, thus confirming to myself that everything had happened in reality. Then again I might be dreaming up this too.

I stealthily moved out of the room after wrapping a shawl around me as it was quite cold in February. It was also helpful in keeping my camera hidden underneath the shawl.

The only obstacles were the guards around each and every corner. My aim was to click some pictures of the terrace I had been on previously. Then some of the views from the terrace and if I got real lucky, then some pictures of the Sheesh Mahal (the palace with mirrors).

The guards inside the palace had come to know me by face. Some of them simply nodded at me.

"Where are you going ,so early in the morning?" asked one of the guards as I neared the terrace.

It literary shook me up till the core of my heart, on being stopped so suddenly. I still gave a brave and almost cheerful smile towards him , wracking my brains for a perfect answer.

"We will be leaving soon for our home, so I just thought to view the sunrise from the terrace. That is if I am allowed to go" I said trying to sound very humble with my plea.

"Why are you all alone?" he asked , still unmoved it seemed.

"I tried to wake up Vasundhara but she didn't wake up like she had promised me last night. I don't want to miss this opportunity because of someone else's laziness. It was so hard to wake up so early you know" I said giving a sad pout. 

"I wonder how hard it must be for you to keep awake all through the night" I added trying to look amazed at his capabilities.

The last part seemed to have got through to him as he suddenly stood quite straight and gave me a proud smile as my words seemed to have pumped up his ego.

"We men are meant to be strong otherwise how will we be able to keep you girls safe" he said almost sounding flirty.

"You go ahead girl to see your sunrise. If anyone stops you say Ram Singh gave you the permission. Do you need me to escort you?"

I bent my head down to hide my smile and shook my head in no. He moved aside to give way.

I couldn't laugh out loud at his antics but there was a huge grin on my face as I climbed the stairs.

As soon as I reached the terrace I started taking pictures as fast as I could. I had switched off the flash, so as not to attract attention but the dawn was breaking slowly in the sky giving me enough light to capture it all.

The fields surrounding the fort looked so beautiful in the early morning haze. Then as if the gods themselves were trying to help me, two peacocks started dancing on the other terrace.

As I zoomed in and out with my camera , I suddenly saw a man standing all alone on a far off terrace through my camera . First I thought that it might be a guard as the back of the person was towards me.

As I tried to take a photo keeping the person in the frame, he turned around. I literary dropped the camera from my hands. 

It was Rudra.

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