Lekha 13

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It looked like I am going to be stuck here for a long long time, was the first thought I had as I woke up to another beautiful morning inside the beautiful room I shared with Vasundhara.

Seeing the beautiful frescoes on the walls reminded me of the fairy tale life I was leading for the past two days. It wasn't that I was not enjoying myself but for me it was neither here nor there. I didn't belong to this period.

I decided to scout out Gayatri's room to see if I could return back to my time.

I quickly took a bath and dressed in the clothes Vasundhara had provided for me. It seemed both of my friends had abandoned me today and gone off somewhere.

I reached Gayatri's room and saw the alcove I had come out from, from 2015.

It was a unique alcove which had two ways entry to it. One from inside the room and other which was connected to the outside passage. People must have made it for some kind of escape route it seemed. I found it locked from the side I had entered, that is from the passage because as I tried to push the other passage door to open it , it didn't  budge even a fraction. They had even kept a small trunk in it ,which was again locked.

I sat on the trunk and closed my eyes praying to all the Gods I knew to take me back to my own time, but nothing happened. I wondered what might be the reason of it not working this time. Was it a one way ticket to this era or was it the lock on the other door or was it the trunk kept inside. Somewhere the permutation and combination was all wrong for it not to be working.

I tried again this time added some mambo jumbo of my own , wishing myself back to my time. I heard the chatter of my friends coming towards the room, so I quickly jumped out of the alcove and settled on the bed as if waiting for them.

"There you are Lekha . We were searching for you. Sorry I left you sleeping as you seemed to be having a disturbed sleep at night as you had tossed and turned. So I thought it best that you rest a bit extra in the morning. We had gone to the temple for the morning prayers and planned to come back before you woke up." said Vasundhara.

"You were talking in a gibberish language at night and cried too. Were you missing your parents dear" she asked sympathetically.

"I don't remember anything, but any ways thank you for letting me rest" I said. It also gave me the opportunity to check out the alcove.

"Let's go and have breakfast and then we can go and meet Vikram bhaisa" said Gayatri.

After breakfast we met Vikram in the garden outside. It was nice and sunny for a winter day so it felt good to soak in the early morning sun.

"Why are you so quite Lekha ? " asked Vikram.

I had been busy working my brains hard to sort out the correct measures to be taken in order to return back to 2015. Nothing seemed to work out.

"I was thinking of a way to learn your language more fluently so as not to be an odd person out" I said. Though not the full truth but it was also another thing I was planning to do if I was stuck in this time frame.

"That's easy. I can teach you. What do you want to learn first? A love song to begin with" he smiled.

Gayatri slapped him on his arm lightly laughing at his ridiculous statement.

"Bhaisa , you are going to embarrass her. Keep your teachings to yourself, we will teach her whatever has to be taught"

"We will all teach her" chirped Vasundhara excitedly.

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