Lekha 71

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Before I begin... Kindly point out OR ignore any mistakes here :)  My laptop crashed and.... :'(

Was it Anil, who I was actually expecting or was it Rudra who I was hoping would drop by for an explanation, a new plan or anything for that matter, just to hear his voice.
I opened the door to Anil standing behind it but didn’t let my disappointment show.
I gestured to him to come inside quietly but didn't close the door.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked without wasting time.
"How are you Lekha? I was so worried about you... Vaishali has become completely useless... keeps on vanishing whenever I want to talk to her  ... She has made new friends and hardly ever meets me since our arrival. These people although very welcoming are but strangers to me. Even you are unreachable... I just can't figure out... “
He took a deep pause with confusion and worry written all over his face making me feel bad that he had to be involved.
After giving a deep sigh he blurted out “ Why are you getting married?”
I was taken aback as his tone seemed accusatory.
" Do you want to return back Anil?" I asked.
" No!" he said instantly. " Not without you."
" I am quite fine here. You don't have to worry about me. These people treat me as part of their family” I tried a soothing tone.
" I am not worried about their treatment of you as I have seen the ladies dote on you. I am worried about you... I mean the marriage... I mean I never suspected... " he took a pause as if recreating the sentence in his mind and added "that guy and you... You don't even like him. He is not one of us. How can you marry him? Do you want to stay here forever... I mean these are dangerous times. "
The last part he said in a whisper as if using the word dangerous loudly would bring it on us.
I just couldn't tell him the truth, I had given my word. These Rajput principles must have been rubbing on to me.  Lekha of the 21st century might have given out the secret under pressure or when upset, with a warning that it was not to be carried further but this was a different Lekha.
" I lost my own family but have found an equally loving family... I can't simply ditch them. All the preparations have been done...think what their relatives would say. I can't shame them" I said in a determined voice.
" Then you should return back with me after this marriage celebration is over. I mean... they can always claim... That something happened to you. In an actual sequence of events, we are not even born yet... So you see it's quite easy. Just tell me when you want to return"
"I can't say anything my job here is not done?"
"What job?" He asked bewildered.
"I have to give maasa a message but can't tell her directly until I know if certain events have changed or what led to the change of events... It's... it's complicated and... I can't explain."
He became quite thoughtful as he sat on my bed watching me as if just by looking at me he could solve the whole mystery or did he think he was a face reader of some sorts. His eyes suddenly widened and lit with a sparkle making me worried. I didn't want him to guess but I knew he was quite astute otherwise he couldn't have become a lawyer's assistant.
" You better leave and take Vaishali with you if she wants to leave. You can convince lawyer uncle to make the deed in her name as I have already signed the required documents" I said trying to divert him.
"You think you are very clever and have thought of all things. How do you think I will convince him? I and Vaishali will be the first one charged with plotting your murder because of your Will. ... And... By the way, if you think I am dumb then better rethink.  I have worked out your message. I wouldn't say I had known from the beginning but then I know what you want to convey" he said cryptically.
I didn't deny or agree to whatever he said as anything I would have uttered could have been used as a clue and used against me. I was dealing with a law student after all.
"What I can't figure out is why you agreed to marry this guy"
I quoted to him what maasa had given as the main reason behind the marriage.
"But now you have found a way out... Why are you still continuing with this... this.. " he said gesturing all around.
For that particular question, I had no answer for him or for that matter even for myself.
"I... I don't know what to say. It's just that. ... I don't want to create a scene or embarrass everyone. " I said vaguely.
"Marry me Lekha..."
I gaped at him as if he had lost his wits.
"I am serious. I know back at our place you are too young to marry but if you are planning to get married then marry me. At least we are friends. Aren't we?" He said seeing my shocked face.
"Moreover... I like you... and given sometime would have... I mean... Don't take it otherwise but... I might have... Kind of...asked you out" he said the last words hurriedly as if scared of my reaction.
I continued to be speechless as he piled surprise after surprise on me. Didn't know how to react.
A mother had once advised her daughter, in a movie, that we should choose the person who likes us rather than the one we like and who we aren’t sure likes us back equally. Was it that moment where the advice would work? Was I actually choosing the wrong person? What did the future hold for me? My mind had got completely confused by his confession. I felt claustrophobic.
"Anil... " I began but didn't know what to say next.
"Its a surprise... I never... I mean I never thought of you this way" I said twisting my fingers in nervousness. It was all too much to take in.
"You don't trouble yourself, dear, no pressure. Take your time... I mean the night... It’s just that.. we  have less time, if we want to return. I can get help. I made friends with the cart driver who brought us here. He can get us back too. Don't worry... I will plan everything. You just say the word" said Anil as he saw me hesitate.
He then took both my hands in his. They looked so small as I concentrated on them instead of looking up at him. I felt comforted by this gesture but somewhere inside I knew that this comfort was quite different from the one I sought.
"Look towards me my dear," he said in a gentle tone. I saw his eyes looking at me with care.
"Lekha... I am not saying ... what you feel for this family is not real... But... You see... You have lived in an orphanage craving for a family for so long that when you find the love again... You don't want to leave it... You feel scared of losing it. But marriage is a different thing altogether you can't get married to fulfil an obligation"
I opened my mouth to protest but he shushed me by placing a finger on my lips.
"No, I am not doubting your love and their love too for that matter. What they suggested was a great sacrifice for Rudra too, to save you in a crisis. I am indeed very grateful to him for being so generous as most men would have hesitated if placed under a similar situation. I myself would personally thank him for keeping you safe. But now, there is no crisis. So, ... Why go through a lifetime of misery. We can make your maasa understand and she can pass on the message to others... See... Problem solved" he ended with a flourish.
He just missed out on one equation but then it wasn't his fault. Things would have been quite simple if he had said the same at the beginning of my adventure. I wondered if this was the best solution after all this was what we all wanted to achieve. As is I would not have or let's say could not marry Rudra. I so much wanted to tell Anil everything but then my promise kept me quite.
"Anil," I said softly, slowly retrieving my hands as I got up. "Give me some time to think as it's a matter concerning the whole family and like you observed that I love them truly. I can't take a decision in a hurry"
"You take your time Lekha but remember it will take time to arrange things too so...just keep that in mind, alright"
I nodded my bowed head.
"I really like you Lekha. And will never hurt you" he said as he cupped my face and brought it up looking deep into my eyes. I looked back into his eyes and saw loads of kindness in them for me.
As I smiled back, instincts made me look behind him and I just couldn't look away.

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