Lekha 62

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"Now who is this with you...? What are you youngsters up to?... Tonight, it seems everyone has sworn off sleep... first you go searching for your treasure then Rudra sa comes in looking for you ... now you are back alone ... but this girl appears.... so, who were you saying this girl was?" grumbled kakisa as soon as she met me in the corridor.

She held a lamp in her hand and it seemed she was on her way to Vasundhara's old guest room. It was good I had intercepted her before she could discover Anil dressed in jeans.

"Kakisa... I met Rudra sa on my way back and this girl was with him. She is a friend of mine ... I mean from the village ... she had got worried about me so forced Rudra sa to bring her along. Her name is Vaishali." I held her by the shoulders to turn her around and gave her a half hug to pacify her too.

"A friend ... but I didn't see her... I mean Rudra sa had come all alone" she said in doubtful voice racking her brains.

"You were tired and half asleep kakisa when I had left, sleep must have fogged your mind and it being dark you might have missed her. Vaishali here is very shy and speaks less."

I had to kick Vaishali discretely as I heard a squeak of a giggle about to erupt from her as I emphasized on her shyness.

"Hmm..." said kakisa looking at Vaishali closely with a very scrutinizing gaze" What were you thinking, roaming around all alone with an unmarried and unrelated boy ... 'girl'... did your parents not stop you... what time has come... parents have no control over their children... these girls think they can fly all around without a care like butterflies without any concern for their reputation or their parents."

"Vaishali ties rakhi (brother sister ritual) to Rudra sa ... kakisa. Her parents trust him a lot... she had been howling her eyes out worried about me" I tried to convince her.

I felt helpless and was scared of the old woman getting suspicious about us. Now it was not the issue of getting caught which was worrying me but more than that I was worried about losing her trust. I didn't want her to feel cheated by helping me. I felt bad playing with her innocence.

"But still... her parents have lost their brains sending a girl running all around the country...no sense at all... so are you engaged?... how old are you?"

I let Vaishali tackle kakisa for some time with my eyes fixed on the door waiting for Rudra to come. I was anxious as I had not discussed with him the story I would concoct on behalf of my friends.

"Did you talk to Rudrasa, Lekha..? "

"No... kakisa. He just sent me here with my friend and told that he would be joining us soon. He had to talk to someone ... maybe" I said turning my attention back to her.

"Look girl... I don't like to interfere in other people's business but since you have no mother to guide you let me give you a sound advice... return back with the boy. No matter what the story, sort it out by talking instead of running away. If the boy has come searching for you so far, think he must be liking you at least a little bit... I don't know about the other girl ... but when he had come looking for you... he had been all out of breath and there was a wildness in eyes which can only be there when something precious is lost and someone is desperate."

Although I felt that kakisa was reading too much into things, I meekly nodded my head in agreement as it had already been decided that I was to return back with him. I was in no mood to argue with her about her promised shelter, in case I was unwilling to get married. Had I been alone then I still might have stuck to my decision stubbornly but here the whole situation involved my two friends too.

The old romantic's eyes glistened with happiness as soon as the other two joined us. I was taken aback by Anil's transformation. He actually looked quite dashing but still a bit uncomfortable in his dress.

"How do I look?" he asked me as soon as his eyes fell on me.

"What kind of question is that?" asked the perceptive old woman as she looked between the new comer and me.

"I... I meant... are we ready to move on..."fumbled Anil suddenly realizing that there was a watchful stranger between us.

"Who is this new boy?" she questioned.

"He is Rudra sa's friend just like Vaishali is my friend from the village" I jumped in to send a signal to others about the background story I had concocted.

"You didn't tell me... another boy was with him too?"

"Oh ... I forgot"

"So, like both of you are engaged are these two also..." she asked wiggling her eyebrows at the other two.

"No ... no... I am... "exclaimed Anil but was cut short as Rudra nudged him back.

"We are getting late kakisa... we will make a move... others must be worried" interrupted Rudra looking at me, as if waiting for me to contradict him.

Both of us girls got up gratefully to escape the interrogation further. Kakisa came to see us off till the palace gates.

"Lekha dear... remember you always have a place here with me ... your kakisa" said kakisa in an emotional voice as she stared warningly at Rudra.

She then hugged me and whispered in my ears "I am letting you go for your own good. Take care of yourself. You can always come here if need be but I pray to God that you never need it"

I too embraced her emotionally.

Rudra seemed to be well prepared as we had a camel cart waiting for us near the gates for our journey back. I was surprised when he suddenly tied his horse to the side of the cart and climbed inside with all three of us. Rudra never liked to travel inside a cart for as long I knew him.

And here we are ... again embarking on the same path but with different sets of people ...   :D

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