Lekha 40

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After  successfully spending two afternoons in our self made watch tower on the shaded portion of the roof, we had become quite bold and at some point maybe negligent about camouflaging our location. We had made quite a nest with little savories stored on the side to make it a picnic of sorts. Although the things happening below seemed quite monotonous and less exciting after the first one hour of our vigil the very first day itself, but the thrill of doing something daring kept us on.

The third day we had even got some cushions to make a cozier seating for us. The other two girls seemed to have sensed something different in our behavior and had pointed out that I was cozying up with Lajo a bit too much these days and wondered what we were up to. Both of us just gave them our most innocent smiles and explained about making the dress for me.

As we sat in our cozy den looking down on the lesser mortals working hard under the afternoon sun I felt thirsty, so asked Lajo to pass me the water jug we had smuggled from my room.

I felt the touch of rough fingers as I took the glass, but being too absorbed in the scene below the feel didn't register in my mind.

"Lajo are we going to play Holi with rose water as well?" I asked as I saw some people going around with a basket full of rose petals.

"Hmm" replied Lajo. Though she sounded a bit off I still didn't turn back and subconsciously waited for Lajo to clear her throat.

"I don't see anyone from our family today. Where have they gone? There are mostly the villagers there putting up the poles for the tent".

"One is busy with his fiance it seems... on the roof... all alone" whispered a familiar voice from quite close to my ears.

My heart seemed to have stopped with a thud as I turned my head in slow motion to look back into the chocolate brown eyes of the intruder. My mouth gaped open at being caught as I stared at Rudra for what seemed like eternity like a deer caught in the headlights. He put a finger under my chin and closed my mouth. His eyes were twinkling with mischief and to my utter relief he was smiling. I remembered the time when this same person had glared at me when I had tried to take a peek at the wedding celebrations atop the palace walls. I realized that Lajo was missing.

"Where is Lajo? How did you get in here? I mean how did you find us? "I asked with a sense of urgency, my eyes darting everywhere in search of Lajo.

"Lajo has gone down to give us privacy" he said with a crooked smile on his face making me blush red and I suddenly found myself deeply interested in a thread sticking out of my odhni (veil).

"Secondly the door of the roof terrace was open. Third I could feel your eyes on me while I worked"

I had the 'come earth swallow me" moment at that point.

"Were you searching for me?" I could feel the amusement in his voice.

"Why ... why would I search for you?" I said trying to sound defiant.

"Maybe you wanted to ambush me... "He smiled, flooring me with his words.

What has got into him? I wondered. Why was he all this fun self? "Thou shall not be tempted" I told myself. I took a deep breathe in to calm my nerves and decided to ignore this new charming Rudra.

"I better go down and search for Lajo" I said in a much calmer voice then I had expected, gesturing him to give me space to move.

"Lajo is quite safe downstairs. You need not worry about her" he replied with a smile in his voice.

"I am not worried. Why should I be worried?" I said shrugging my shoulders attempting to show a carefree attitude."I just have work to finish with her help. It's getting late"

"Are you scared of me...?" he asked suddenly as if surprised by his own thoughts.

"No! Why will I be scared of you?" I said in a disgusted tone and glared at him. The very thought of me being scared of him was silly yet in a way I was scared of him. I was scared that he had the capacity of breaking my heart again, if he kept this charming act on.

"I thought so too ... then why are you running away? I thought we established ourselves to be friends"

"Why have you come here Rudra sa? I don't think it's my company you are seeking"

"What if I was seeking ... your company?" he seemed to issue a challenge.

I forgot all of my shyness at that and with my chin held up defiantly I asked "So now that you have found me, please state your purpose."

"Can't I want to be with my fiancé just for the sake of her company? Does there have to be a purpose behind it?"

Don't fall into the trap, I warned myself mentally. I was getting weak just looking into his beautiful brown eyes. I wished that he would... stop dreaming I screamed at myself mentally.

"We don't have that kind of relation and you know it well. We are getting married for the sake of our parents. We had accepted each other's friendship but that doesn't require you to ... to... I mean seek me out without a purpose" I stammered. My heart howled to accept whatever he was offering but the pride in me couldn't accept the meager offering. I wanted all or nothing at all.

"So we are friends?... And after marriage?" he asked softly as if testing the waters with me.

"Still friends ... that is if I don't vanish from your life before we come to that part" I replied in a steady tone but unable to look at him.

"So that is how it's to be..."he said slowly as if contemplating the whole conversation. I simply nodded my head in agreement. There was absolute silence between us after that. I planned on how to make my escape without seeming to flee the situation, which was too intimate for my comfort.

"So dear friend do you want to know what's happening below?" he asked in a cheerful voice all of a sudden.

I was taken aback by the friendly tone and change of topic. I looked up at him to read his mood but it was as if he had put a mask on. He was smiling at me in a friendly way but it didn't quite reach his eyes. I at that moment wanted to take back all I had said and confess all my love for him, to get the mischievous smile back on his face. Pride and fear held me back. Friendship was the best defense I had. I realized at that moment as a slight pain pricked my heart that I had gone and done the one thing I would regret forever. I had fallen in love again with him. It was irrevocable. I put my head down and squeezed my eyes shut to get my emotions in control.

So here I am back with another chapter. Hope to keep writing uninterrupted this time :D

This scene is quite close to my heart as it reminded me of the summer fun I use to have as a child at my grandma's place . We actually had thick branches of an old neem tree spreading out a bit on the roof terrace. Me and my cousins used to sit on those branches and keep an eye on the people passing below... our very own watch tower. :)

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