Lekha 17

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I was fortunate enough not to meet anyone on my way back, as I took a different route to reach Vasundhara's room. I had wiped my eyes clean of any tears as soon as I thought no one was watching me but I could feel that my nose turn pink as I sniffled.

As I was nearing Vasundhara's room I heard voices laughing and talking. It seemed that people had got together to gossip in her room. I was in no mood to talk with anyone or face questions about my unhappiness. I took a turn and reached Gayatri's room. Luckily no one was there. She must have been with Vasundhara.

As I sat on her bed my eyes moved towards the alcove I had come from, but the box was still there and it seemed the other door was closed too.

I  entered the alcove the second time and stood beside the box praying hard to anyone who was in charge of my traveling back to this time. I didn't want to stay here after such undeserved humiliation. Tears of anger and frustration streamed down my cheeks but to no avail.

My head had started to throb with pain so I lied down in Gayatri's bed to take a rest and soon dozed off on demand from my tired mind.

I was woken awake by gentle nudges from Gayatri.

"Why are you sleeping in the afternoon? Are you unwell? Where were you since the morning?" she asked with concern.

"Nothing much," I said."I just had a headache and since there were people in Vasundhara's room I came here to rest."

"Good you rested. How are you feeling now? Let's go down for lunch or do you want me to send your lunch here in the room?"

"No, I am rested now. I will join both of you" I said. I had lost my appetite due to the morning fiasco but I didn't want anyone to fuss over me. The only apprehension I had was about meeting Rudra again. It was not that I was acting like a coward, far from it, I actually felt murderous anger simmering inside me and didn't want anyone to know about it by any unconscious action from my side. I knew that I had to face him someday or the other but today was not a good day for such meetings.

"You know kakisa and most of the people have returned from the wedding. We will be having a huge celebration tonight as most of the guests will be leaving tomorrow" she said and suddenly hugged me.

"What happened? " I asked concerned.

"I just got sad remembering that we will be parting ways by tomorrow or the day after," she said sounding so forlorn. "You have become such a good friend of mine apart from Vasundhara. I am going to miss you terribly. Vasundhara is lucky that you will be going with them"

"What do you mean parting ways. Don't you both live together? I thought both of your fathers are brothers" I was confused.

"No... though they are brothers they have different estates to manage. We are around a half day's distance and it's not an easy task to meet daily."

I hugged her back in comfort as Gayatri too had become a sister of my heart and I was saddened by the thought of seeing her once in a while only. Then a thought occurred to me that if Gayatri lived at a far off distance from Vasundhara's home then that meant that I didn't have to face Rudra too. Hope he too avoids me as I wanted to do him, till the time both the families were together. It was this thought that comforted me and made the parting less painful. I knew it was very selfish of me to think so but I had a valid reason at the moment.

"Don't worry Gayatri we can always meet each other, you can come on long holidays to Vasundhara's home."

"Today itself I will ask maasa to make plans for inviting both of you to come to our house," said Gayatri now fully excited at the thought. I just smiled back wishing the invitation was not immediate.

The lunch went without incident luckily. We saw Vikram and Udai bhaisa from far but they seemed to be excited about something and didn't bother to come near us.

I was yet to meet Mahadevi sa after her arrival and was informed by Vasundhara that she will be introducing me to others, especially the male members of the clan the next day.

This is a very short chapter but i didn't want to wait to update it all together as the next chapter needs more details to be added. Thanks for being with me.

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