Lekha 64

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The pinkish tone of the sky seemed to kindle some kind of wishful hope inside of me. Although with the kind of tantrum Rudra had been throwing over such a small thing the situation could be termed as dire but again the thought of a new day's beginning sent a joyful shiver down my body. This kind of pure air seemed rare in our times. I breathed in the fresh morning air having forgotten the haughty man standing right next to me.

I found him looking at me oddly. I wondered at his wondering and by the looks of it came to the conclusion that he might be wondering as to why I was smiling at that moment while few minutes back I was quite unhappy.

"It's so beautiful and fresh. Let me call my friends as they too..."

"No" My happiness was cut short in one go. No mercy there.

I looked back at him bewildered and suddenly remembered that he had called me out for something serious. I sobered down immediately and wiped out any sunny thoughts which might have popped in my mind along with the happy smile.

"Let's go to that dune there and talk. I don't want anyone else eavesdropping on us" he said with special emphasis on 'anyone'.

I wondered why he was so anti my friends and then remembered that he had been so with me too in the beginning. In fact, whatever friendship we might have developed so far had been unfriended by my great escapade.

I meekly followed him but kept totally silent wondering what this was all about. He had his back towards me so I could not read any of his expressions.

"Why did you run away?" he asked in a quite tone.

"I told the reason in there... didn't you hear?" I said unable to hold back the sarcasm.

He slowly turned around and gazed at me for God knows what reason. I almost felt like being questioned by the special task force.

"Mind games ... hmm?" I asked in English, as it was the first thing that popped in my mind and I wanted to say it aloud, not because I was seeking any answer for that. Maybe there was something in the fresh morning air making me more playful.

"What?" he asked with a frown.

"Nothing ... just breaking the silence" I said trying to sound casual.

He seemed to analyze what I said but then discarded it as unimportant.

"I want the truth ... Lekha" he said slowly looking deep into my eyes. My name sounded so different coming from him, that even I felt as if I was hearing it for the first time.

I just couldn't look away from those melting chocolates glowing as the sun reflected in them. I suddenly felt terribly scared as my heart rate increased and I knew that the love that I had crushed and hidden somewhere now reflected in my eyes. I quickly averted my eyes in panic and turned around in reflex.

"There is nothing to hide ... I don't want to remember anything anymore. I just want to convey my message and return back" I said softly trying to control the tremor in my voice.

"Liar..." he accused as he jerked me back to face him with my arm twisted behind my back.

Tears rolled down my cheek, not because I was physically in pain but my heart just couldn't control itself at this feeling of nearness.

"Lekha" he exclaimed softly as he let go off my arm and quickly tried to wipe off my tears.

"Can you understand what I ... I mean 'the family' went through when we found you gone in the morning? You have to understand why I am annoyed. I want to know the reasons" he said softly as if scared that I might start crying again. I felt as if nothing had changed between us and he was back to being the same Rudra who had once upon a time become my friend.

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