Lekha 10

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But he was not looking at me, but at his sister.

"Don't go out of the palace till we come back. And that's not a suggestion but an order. No adventures behind my back, no matter how much others tempt you"

That last point he made looking directly at me. My jaw dropped down at the plain undeserved insult. I glared back at him with violent thoughts coming to my mind. My plans for not making any enemy while I was here were put on hold, as at that moment I didn't care to be insulted about purposely leading the girls into trouble.

Stranger or not, mysterious circumstances or not, he didn't have the right to insult me right on my face specially when an authoritative  lady like Mahadevi sa had put the stamp of approval on me by welcoming me into the folds of her family.

I turned my back at him , my whole body stiff with anger I was trying to contain and moved back towards the dining room, leaving the girls to follow.

"Lekha! Where are you going?" Vasundhara shouted. "The dining area is to the left"

As I turned back to follow them , I could see the irritating man smirking at me.

"I know where the dining area is , I was just exploring this side of the palace" I lied to save face, getting another knowing smirk from that man as he had caught on to my lie.

"Seems your friend has a deep interest in cooking that's why she was marching hurriedly towards the rasoda(kitchen) instead of the dinning room" I heard the irritating voice say  in a drawling tone.

"Seems your friend has a deep interest in cooking that's why she was marching hurriedly towards the rasoda(kitchen) instead of the dinning room" I heard the irritating voice say  in a drawling tone

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Huge cooking utensils outside the Rasoda(kitchen)

Huge cooking utensils outside the Rasoda(kitchen)

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Outside the Rasoda

To make the matters worse, both my so called dear friends of this world started giggling. I gave them a glare too. I turned back and joined them, not daring to look behind me.

As we moved forward another unknown voice called "Gayatri..." I rolled my eyes, what was this, some conspiracy by people to keep us hungry.

We turned around and saw Uday bhaisa with another boy of the same age. In my mind he had become my bhaisa too after Mahadevi sa had welcomed me to her family.

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