Lekha 58

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I discussed my conclusions with Vaishali the next day after breakfast and found that she also had arrived at the similar ones on her own, making me feel more definite about them. It was a different matter altogether that we both were still unsure about what we could do to achieve our goal. Anxiousness was gnawing inside of me with the added feeling of uncertainty that I may not be able to time travel back to the same era even if I did travel back.

As we returned from school both of us were surprised to find Anil sitting in the hostel reception waiting for us. Vaishali nudged me with her elbow and a big smile conveying the message "I told you so".

"Mr. Anil... what a pleasant surprise. Did Mr. Jaswani sent you?" I asked trying to be polite while inside I was fuming at Vaishali as she stood behind him throwing me an all-knowing smirk.

"Don't call me so formally Lekha... just Anil will do" he smiled widely at that. I simply nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"I was passing by this way so thought about delivering this book to you, which I had found quite interesting. It's based around the time period of the Maharana Pratap" he said handing me the book that he had been holding.

"Thank you Anil," I said with a smile flipping the pages of the book to see the contents.

"I was thinking... I mean ... since all three of us have become friends ... since yesterday why don't I take you both out for lunch this Saturday. ... I mean of course with the permission of your warden" he said hesitatingly.

I looked at him with surprise unable to think of an answer, as Vaishali made funny faces from behind him gesturing as if he was dying from heartbreak.

"I just thought ... well ... Saturday is a good day and would not interfere with your school. There is no pressure" he added sheepishly as he saw me giving a nervous smile.

"Oh! Anil, we will surely come. It's always great to have food other than what we have in the canteen." chirped in Vaishali from behind seeing me unsure and on the verge of refusing the invite.

"Yes!... that is what I thought too... you girls must be bored of Canteen food. Mr. Jaswani would like it too that you are under my protection" he said quickly agreeing to Vaishali, or maybe he too sensed that I might just refuse him.

After he left I glared at Vaishali for encouraging him.

"What was that Vaishali? If you were so desperate to go then you should have gone with him and left me out" I said angrily.

"O come on Lekha ... couldn't you see that he is so smitten with you. Have mercy on the boy"

"Boy!... he my dear is so much older than us. He is working while we are still in school... Do you understand the difference?"

"So is Rudra ... here you are pinning for him... he is an ancient..."she laughed like a hyena as if it was the world's best joke.

"Alright I apologize ... Rudra is an untouchable topic "she relented at last seeing my sullen face. "But Anil is just twenty-year-old ... just four years older than us and that is quite reasonable"

"How do you know all this?"

"Well... I actually ask when in doubt "she smirked. "He works part time as an assistant in Mr. Jaswani's office for experience and extra money...but goes to law school too. He is in the final year."

"Alright" I shrugged.

"Just 'alright'... after all the detective work... I did it all for you... Come on" she pouted.

"You know Vaishali, I am not interested in him or anyone else. I am not in a mood for even a friendly relation with anyone. I am having a headache and have loads of school work to finish"

"I am sorry Lekha. I was just trying to create a divergence for your unhappy heart."

"It's okay dear. I understand you care for me, but..."

I closed my eyes as I lay on the bed after give one glance at 'the poster'.

The next day it was Vaishali who came up with the brilliant idea.

"Lekha... let's go on a date with Anil on Saturday morning" she came running from outside bubbling with excitement.

"What! You again started ..." I looked at her annoyed.

"Just listen you dodo before you go yelling again... we will ask him to take us to Amber Fort as you missed the visit last time and then you can...."She finished with a flourish.

I gaped at her amazed.


"Just wow Lekha...you are such a miser... you should have said super, brilliant, awesome "she grinned as I laughed along with her.

"No one will doubt us and I will be there to distract him away from you. If you are successful then it will be a final goodbye "she said in a sad tone. "But then if you are not then I will know where to retrieve you from and we can continue your love story with Anil..." she finished with a mischievous smile on her face.

I threw my pillow at her but then I had this happy feeling bubbling inside of me after a long time.

It was at night while staring at 'the poster' that I suddenly thought of all the things that had to be wrapped up in this time before I could actually feel that no unfinished business had been left behind. I had to make a to do list without raising any suspicion.

I couldn't sleep after that as I looked at the peacefully sleeping Vaishali. She was one person whose future I wanted to secure. If I was unsuccessful and was still here then we would share my resources equally but what if I never came back. I planned to make some arrangements for her in that case with Mr. Jaswani but the main problem was how to go about it without raising suspicion.

Next was on the agenda was the list of all the things I wanted to take with me.

I had planned to print "the list" (I had made) in this chapter but then I thought why not get some suggestions from all of you guys. :D

So tell me what all things you would carry in your backpack if you were in place of "Lekha" 

I am sure all of us have one time or the other wished to travel in time... but have we really planned it out... now give wings to your imagination :D

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