Lekha 73

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Surprise !! :D :D Enjoy. Do post your comments. I love to hear from all of you <3 

I saw his eyes go wide, he opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it back firmly with a frown. He turned away from me as if to gather his thoughts.

I had won the argument but why didn't I feel victorious. He paced in front of me with a deep frown on his face. I wondered if he was planning on sending me back finally knowing that his lies had been exposed. Why did the thought hurt when it was I who had been demanding it right from the beginning. I felt like a looser. I could do nothing but stand there waiting for 'his' decision.

"You are going to marry me " he suddenly ordered coming to a halt right in front of me.

"What...!" I said taken aback.

"You are going to marry me" he repeated.

"I heard you the first time ... but you didn't seem to have heard me... If you still think that after all this, I would still marry you?"

"But you knew all this before running away but still agreed to marry me after coming back..."

"You came to this conclusion after hearing all that I have just said" I exclaimed amazed. "You really think that I would marry a person after such betrayal." I felt hurt that he didn't even consider me worthy enough to give me a proper explanation.

He was silent.

"It was different ... I didn't have a choice ... I love "my family" I needed to protect it by conveying the message but you emotionally blackmailed me"

My throat pained with pent up emotions, I didn't want to fight anymore. I just wanted to erase everything, partial amnesia would have been perfect for this situation.

"Now you have a choice!" exclaimed Rudra disturbing my thoughts.

I felt too tired after the emotional upheaval and just wanted to close my eyes. I sat back on the bed and lay down ignoring his presence as he stared at me.
He watched silently for a few moments as I laid with my eyes closed ignoring him and waiting for him to leave. I felt him approaching me slowly and then felt his breath on my face. Was he playing detective, guessing if I was really asleep?

" You... are going to... marry me ... and no one else" he spaced out each word as if I was some retarded kid.

My eyes flew open at this and widened on seeing him closing the distance even further and then his lips were on mine.

I was shocked and lay still as I didn't know how to react.
It was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. It made me forget everything. Did I actually kiss him back...? I didn't know. I felt all my pent up emotions come to the surface. I wanted to scream to him that I loved him and only him. I opened my mouth to pour out all my deepest secretes but he beat me to that.

" You will follow the plans that I have laid out to the tee... and let me handle the situation ... what you do and when will be all decided by me. You just follow all the marriage traditions like a normal bride" he stated, taking away all my pride. I felt like killing him at that moment. He had successfully played with my emotions again.

"You ... you ... jerk.... you ... I will not follow your plans. I don't want to be part of this fake marriage act. I will tell everything to maasa and leave with my friends" I shouted at him pushing him back as I tried to stand up. I realized that while I had unconsciously been talking of real marriage, he had been assuming that it was a fake one.

He pushed me back in the bed with a smile and held my hands not allowing me to move.

" You will do as I say or your friend might just be lost in this time roaming around helplessly ... you know I always keep my word"

Tears rolled down my face.

"Why are you doing this?" I said with a sob escaping my mouth.

"You don't love him ... We both know that" he said with a victorious smile, as he lowered his eyes provocatively towards my lips. He had purposefully done that, not because he cared.

"So... what has my love or not love got to do with this fake marriage plan" I felt like slapping that smile off his face. I was starting to get pretty violent thoughts in my mind. I was not someone to take mocking lying down although I was literally lying down but then that was different.

" You are not his" said the cryptic man.

" I am not yours too" I said glaring at him.

" Let's see"

" You are forgetting your darling Roopmati in this equation" I jeered.

"You jealous?" He had the audacity to smirk.

"No. But your real fiancé is... Kindly let her know your real intentions or I will..." I was not willing to take any more manipulation from him.

"Real intentions...?" He had the audacity to look surprised.

I narrowed my eyes at his new drama of partial amnesia, but this time I wasn't going to let him get away with playing with my heart that easily.

"You said that you would sort things out in three days and tell everyone about your real love and let me go free," I said keeping my eyes on him, waiting for even the smallest clue I might get about what's going on in his mind.

The gamer didn't even twitch a single facial muscle but went very still. 'Total Recall' the phrase flashed in my mind, as a slight smile crept up my lips. I felt victorious and waited for him to deny or at least withdraw from it giving some excuse. My victory was soon proved short and hollow.

" Yes that is still the plan," he said slowly as his penetrating eyes seemed to be doing an eye scan of mine. It was unnerving and heartbreaking at the same time. I just couldn't keep the pretence. I was the first one out of the eye staring contest, as I quickly turned around. Giving myself a moment to steady my voice.

" So you better tell your fiancé that, otherwise she keeps bothering me ... " I had my best rude tone on. And just to prove that he didn't affect me I turned towards him with a glare "or like I said ...I would have to update her on the latest news. I don't like being nagged by jealous fiancés'"

" Right now you are nagging..." He had the audacity to utter in a bored tone.
" I want it to be a surprise for all concerned, so you better bear it for a little while longer"

" Wow... your surprise is getting on my nerves. I have to tell Anil so that "we " can make "our" plan. I don't want him to suffer unnecessarily"

Keep it up Lekha I mentally patted my back. Anger was always better than being a watering pot.

" You don't have to plan anything... With anyone. I will take care of it all. So don't be a fool and go against me" he said in a hard voice.

"Oh, so only you count in this whole thing... Others feelings are easily trampled over... You selfish ..." I just stopped myself from cussing, but then anyways my favourites were all in English and he would not have understood.

"You have started nagging again "

"What do I get in return for being patient then... " I said hotly.

"Your friend's life ..." he smirked.

Patience I told my raging heart.

"Firstly I don't want to see your face till it's time to unveil the drama. Second I won't be responsible for your fiancé's hurt feelings if she insults me. Lastly, you will behave respectfully with Anil... No matter what the situation"

It was slight, but I saw him clench his teeth at the third request just like I had predicted. A small smile of satisfaction crept up my face.

" Alright deal," he said after a pause.

" Now you can leave, " I said in a dismissing tone, as I turned my back towards him.

Suddenly I was pulled back into his arms and turned around. He swooped down on my mouth which had opened in surprise. How long the kiss lasted I had no idea but when he stepped apart, I realized that I had been kissing him back with my eyes closed and hands tangled in his wavy mass of hair. 

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