Lekha 63

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Our journey started off quite uneventful after we were joined by two more people on horseback outside the walls of the fort. They all seemed to have a great understanding with Rudra as they rode forward silently towards the front of the cart after sharing nods of acknowledgement with him. I wondered if they were his warriors from home or newly recruited from the palace. They didn't seem to be surprised by the extra passengers or perhaps they had so much faith in Rudra that they considered it rude to question him.

Something seemed to have irritated Rudra as he sat sullenly at one end of the cart as I gave Anil a rough outline of what to expect going forward and also bits and pieces of the flashback story. I left out the details of what had lead me to run away and all the emotional nitty gritties, not only because Rudra was there but also, I felt that it was too personal. The reason for my sudden disappearance had to be explained I suddenly realized as sooner than later I would be asked the 'question' by the family. It was best to keep the present party updated instead of entering into awkward situations later.

"We are in rather an odd situation right now... you see ... the family is determined that I marry Rudra sa but I recently discovered that he has been in love with someone else all through... I didn't want him in a regretful position because of hasty decisions ... so I took the things in my own hand and decided to find a way to cross over. I should have attempted..."

I stopped mid-sentence as I saw Rudra look at me stunned.

"What? What are you talking about? Who told you all this?" He asked in a deep growl.

I felt real angry at his counter questions. At least now having met Roopmati he should not be trying to deceive me. I wondered if he was still under the delusion that I would let him sacrifice his love for a marriage of convenience just for the sake of his honor. Infact it was both of our lives at stake.

"I know everything about your past and present Rudrasa ... I don't want to go into the details. I left home so that you could have your heart's desire and not be burdened with a life of compromise. Instead of being ..."

"Silence..." he said in a deep growl as he raised his palm up and closed his eyes with a frown.

I had literary jumped out of my seat at his sudden outrage. He rubbed his face with his hand in frustration as he must have felt three sets of eyes staring at him with different reactions on their faces. Vaishali seemed a little scared, while Anil looked outraged and I myself having seen his angry outburst before was just a bit surprised. I wondered what wrong had I uttered to annoy him such. I had been just updating my friends with whatever had happened in plain language with no incriminations which might have led to such out bursts.

The cart was silent for some time but then Anil had to go and be the dragon slayer.

"What happened Rudra sa ... Lekha was just updating us about everything so that we don't create awkward situations for her when we reach your place. If you are embarrassed by your love life ... then don't be. We of the future generations are quite forward and understand the pressure of parents when they don't understand our feelings. You don't have to marry Lekha... I will..."

"Don't speak another word... Anil sa "said Rudra glaring at Anil.

"Let me handle what is between Lekha and me. You are an outsider and you..."

"Me an outsider ..."scoffed Anil cutting in between.

I was sure that he has listed himself for martyrdom. I tried nudging him back and also calm him by patting his arm. It seemed it was now my turn to be murdered as Rudra glared at my movements and had we not been already sitting in a cramped cart he would have dragged me away.

"You are forgetting ... that I am a friend of Lekha and both of us belong to the same time period. I understand her better than you... you are the outsider here" uttered the brave soldier heading for the gallows.

"Ram Singh... stop the cart" bellowed Rudra.

"You can't leave my friends out here in the desert for such a small issue" I protested as the carriage stopped.

"Please have mercy .... I will ask them not to speak to you again in such a manner... in fact no one will speak to you..." I rambled on, pleading with all my being. I was scared and felt angry with Anil for his egoistic stupidity at trying to provoke the benefactor. I gave him a scolding look but then turned towards Rudra to do more begging.

Rudra had got down from the cart by then.

"Get down Lekha..." he said in a soft menacing voice. I was taken aback that he was asking 'me' to get down instead.

Anil being of the man species again tried to get down before me as if for protection. I instantly pulled him back and gestured him to stay put. The stupid boy couldn't understand that he was much safer in the cart then down, where he could easily be left behind.

I crept forward slowly under the watchful scrutiny of Rudra, after stepping across the limbs of both my friend as I was seated at the other end of the cart.

I was mildly surprised as I felt Rudra's hand holding my waist to help me down. It was a complete feeling of Deja vu.

I felt it right to stop at this point :D. A bigger chapter 'hopefully' on the way :)  

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