Lekha 77

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Vaishali had come quite late in the night but still had the audacity to wake me up, as she couldn't sleep without updating me about the 'current affairs' according to her. She forced me to hear about meeting Rano's aunt, Rudra being so generous and thoughtful and lastly giving the finishing touch with little bitching about Roopmati which the girls must have done after I left.

"'Day one' " I mumbled.

"What...? Asked Vaishali rubbing her eyes.


"O ... You have been mentally doing a countdown to your wedding... hmmm... excited much... "

" Nothing like that. Don't talk rubbish"

"Lekha ... I have been your friend for so long ... You can be free with me... You can share your excitement with me... I won't judge you... So what if you are sixteen... Going on seventeen ..."

She sang the last part resonating the tune of the song from "sound of music".

"Shh... Don't sing English songs... Somebody might just hear you".

"But it's appropriate for the occasion... Hmm... hmm... hmm" She then started humming the tune.

I felt too grumpy to appreciate the humour. In fact, I was nervous about the future and the thought of again going through the same heartbreak. This time everything had a stamp of finality to it and no re-dos.


"What happened Lekha? Did I do something wrong ... did something happen... Ooo did you meet that witch again?... Did she come here?"

"No ...I just didn't have proper sleep so am having a headache"

"Oooo... No sleep..." Vaishali again went from a concerned friend to the devil in disguise one.

"Shh.. stop it. I am not in the mood. Just let me have some peace. Go to the other girls' room. I will take a little longer to get up. "

Vaishali looked at me with concern in her eyes but didn't say a word as she left.

I wasn't allowed my 'me time' as others barged in without even knocking.

When we start being annoyed with our friends for their lack of manners it's a big red flag about our state of mind. The little difference here was that these people I could not be rude with unlike Vaishali.

Even though there was love sometimes the feeling of gratefulness overpowered the kind of love we have for our friends where we use them as our personal punching bag knowing that they would still be by our side. Vaishali was my punch bag friend and I loved her for it but right then the feeling of any kind of love I might have had for her was absent.

She was the person who barged in first and if looks could kill she would have been ... To top it she smirked at me wiggling her brows.

I wanted to scream, ' let me die in peace', but these friends of mine would have just ignored me.

"Everyone will be coming in soon... Get ready fast" chirped Vasundhara.

" Why? again... Have we not finished with everything " I said in a tired voice because I was feeling so and also wishing that they would take the hint... No luck there it seemed.

"Ooo... You will love it. You will get all the gifts" said cheerleader Gayatri looking quite cheerful.

"I already got the gifts yesterday... I don't want any more" I whined poking my face in the pillow unwilling to face the world.

"This one you are going to like it better than the ones you got yesterday" added cryptic Vaishali.

When I had to leave this place, I seriously planned on leaving Vaishali behind because of the way she had joined the gang. Here I had thought that I would have at least have one sympathetic shoulder, who would actually just be on my side and agree upon anything I spouted. That is what best friends are for right? Then this best friend found the world where there were actually 'other' good friends too to choose from.

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