Lekha 74

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Rudra left abruptly before I could react. The only polite thing he did was to close the door behind him. I quickly got up and latched the door firmly from my side in case he came back, since that is what my traitorous heart hoped for and also an explanation.

A knock on the door put a stop to my heart wracking sobs. I didn't want anyone to see my puffed up red eyes but hearing Vaishali's whispered plea to open the door, I gave in.

" Why was Rudra standing outside your door .. did you punish him" laughed Vaishali.

" Oh my God! .... you are crying. What happened? Anil said you were asking for me" she said putting her arms around me.

Anil was indeed devious. I let out a small smile at his tactics. Suddenly realization hit me that Rudra had heard my pitiful sobs while standing outside the closed door. He was a sadist, I decided with a frown.

"I have decided to bear it all with a smile and you have to help me. We will not let the enemy know what's in our heart" I spouted with a face full of determination.

"Enemy? Who?... Why are you being so dramatic Lekha. What do you have to bear with a smile ... hmm. Isn't this a moment to celebrate the victory... Victory over that evil witch... Let her cry and whine alone. Everyone here is on your team. I love your family Lekha... I actually envy you for having found them first"

Doesn't having the main protagonist on one's side makes one the winner irrespective of which side 'everyone' is on.

I was soon going to be travelling in the same boat of envy along with her, but why trouble her and spoil her mood I thought. She was another lady warrior when it came to her friends, so it was for the best that I didn't reveal the truth to her. I didn't trust her not to go on an attack mode if I revealed my secret even under the sacred blood oath.

I smiled sweetly to show normalcy.

"But why were you crying " repeated the old nag.

"I was just saddened by the thought of losing my friends after marriage" I lied.

"You silly goose, let me talk to Anil we can stay back too. I would then find someone as handsome as your Rudra and marry him. As for Anil we can get a not so pretty village girl... And then..."

There went my friend weaving fairy tales which would have got me in a chatty frame of mind had my heart not been hurting so much.

I let her continue, humming and nodding my head at appropriate points with a smile on my face. I had dimmed the lamp as we lay together on the bed pretending to be sleepy while the scene from before kept me awake. I lay their analyzing every second of our conversation trying to find some kind of hope but came up with a blank every time.

My last thought was of extreme shame as I recalled Vaishali saying that Rudra had been standing outside, which meant he heard my sobs and got to know about the pathetic me. What was the point of putting on a brave facade when I had to ultimately embarrass myself in such an undignified fashion.
It was good that we had agreed on him not coming in front of me. I wondered if he felt relieved at not having to cater to a watering pot.

Next morning, we were shaken awake by a very excited Lajjo.

"Come on jeeji ... Today's going to be so much fun. How can you sleep? "

"Fun?... What is it?" beamed Vaishali suddenly quite alert, while I still rubbed my sleep ridden eyes. I was still in a state of gloom and doom.

"It's jeeji's pithi dastoor ceremony today" she sang. " Both bhaisa and jeeji will have it together. Ooo... how romantic. I wish when I get married I too get to do the same"

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