Lekha 45

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Guests had started arriving couple of days after Holi. It seemed marriages constituted of lengthy celebrations in this century. As I was being introduced to everyone, I was happy to note a few known faces from my stay in the palace. It made things easier for me as little had to be explained to them, although some discussions were quite tedious as the whole story was told and then again retold. I was still alright with this part but when some of the nosey lot started to re-examine the story using what they thought was their finer tactics whenever they caught me alone, I felt like shrieking at them to stop. Good manners and family values made me take it all with a big smile on my face.

I took the help of my previous accomplice Lajo as the other two had loads of other work to keep them busy. This happened after one distant relative started asking me how much jewelry I had managed to get out of taisa since according to her taisa was quite wealthy and I was lucky to be marrying the elder son. The good will ambassador had her own set of teachings to impart as I was an orphan no matter what Mahadevi might say. This really got my heckles up and I made Lajo promise that she wouldn't leave my side except for emergencies. I was sure that these busybodies would leave me alone once someone from the immediate family was present. I didn't think they would like being quoted to the family and Lajo did have a reputation of being a chatter box.

I was surprised when one day Maitri walked in with her mother. She hugged me like a long lost friend.

"How did this happen? You and Rudra sa ... I could never have thought about it... I mean nothing wrong with that ... but I thought ... I mean he looks so strict always" stuttered Maitri with half sentences unable to get over her surprise. She had literary dragged me away to an isolated corner to get information out of me.

"When I saw the invite, I told maasa that there might be some other person by the name of Rudra, but the name of the parents ...well that was indeed surprising" she smiled.

"These people are a pair of dark horses. Even we were the last ones to know. Think us... we were considered so close to her... at least that is what we thought" said Vasundhara with a mock frown, making me give her arm a small punch.

"You know it was never my intention..."I cried out in protest.

"Yes... we know all about your intentions" quipped Gayatri giving me a wicked grin, after which both of them started giggling.

"I want to know all the details. Even the tiny ones... Don't you dare miss out on anything" chirped Maitri, now fully excited. Here goes another one I thought rolling my eyes in my mind.

"My story has become quite stale after so many repeats... these two girls can always fill you in but I know a new budding story which has been cooking up for some time and is still quite fresh" I said pointing at Maitri, trying to divert the topic. I did a fist pump again in my mind as both Vasundhara and Gayatri got super excited and turned towards Maitri with renewed interest.

"I know bhaisa had visited your village before Holi" chimed Gayatri.

"Shh... speak softly" warned Maitri."My parents don't know much about it. They think he is my brother's friend."

"Brother's friend? Hmm... right" smiled Gayatri.

"Oh... so we were right" grinned Vasundhara.

"Now you tell us all the details and leave nothing out" I whispered.

We girls ran upstairs to my room to have that very interesting discussion. Lajo who came to join us after sometime was again shamelessly sent on an errand. I was selfish in this regard but it wouldn't have done any good to have Lajo hear all the details, at least not till both side of the parents were involved and had agreed to the proposition. Maitri narrated a very exciting tale of their romance considering the century and as we had rightly guessed it had started off in the palace. It gave me insights into why I was greatly sought out by Vikram. He had used me shamelessly but considering the cause I was real happy about it.

"Jeeji... hurry up. A friend of yours has just entered the courtyard ... she is heavenly to look at" shouted Lajo as she suddenly appeared on the door. All of us looked at each other unable to figure out which friend could look so beautiful making Lajo act like a crazed person. We all rushed out after a moment of contemplation to see who actually had arrived.

 We all rushed out after a moment of contemplation to see who actually had arrived

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The vision !!

I saw a vision floating in dressed up like a princess. She was so beautiful that even I started to gape at her. The doe eyed beauty had a small smile on her face as she did her pranams to all the elders in a very sophisticated manner. The verandah where most of the guests sat started buzzing with whispers. I had heard in history books about the beauty of the queen Padmini of Chittorgarh in Rajasthan and I wondered if she was someone related to that particular family. She seemed to float rather than walk and I never felt so drab and uncouth in my life.

"Oh! It's her. Why did she come?" frowned Gayatri.

"Who actually invited her?" muttered Vasundhara.

I wondered at these negative vibes coming from my otherwise very friendly sisters, as I gazed at the beauty still a bit mesmerized.

Another small one ... had to upload it today :D

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rani_Padmini  (This link for those who are curious to know a bit more about the Queen)

For others let just say a war was fought over her beauty. Beauty can become a curse for some.

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