Lekha 60

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Collecting all the things on my list had been quite easy with Vaishali always by my side helping me out but the most difficult part was avoiding Anil. He found reasons to go out with us. Vaishali teased me that Anil must be camping outside our hostel since the way he kept on appearing out of the blue like a genie that even I had started having my doubts about it. The other angle which I felt might be closer to the truth but comparatively less romantic was that perhaps Jaswani uncle had given him the duty to keep an eye on me, as last time I had met him we had parted with him being suspicious and worried about me.

I even felt him trying to cause a delay in the making of the will creating lot of frustration for me but I couldn't visibly protest. The trip to Amber palace had to be cancelled because of that. I couldn't tell Vaishali the real reason so had pretended being quite unwell.

Vaishali had accepted it quite easily as she too agreed that travelling to a place sick with no facility of modern medicines was quite foolish, but that made her pack some medicines in my bag despite my protests.

After many follow ups and quite a show of reluctance on the part of Uncle I finally got to sign the papers. It had not been an easy day for me as he pelted me with loads of questions and dodging them in front of shrewd lawyer was not a minor feat.

The day came when we actually had to part ways, but it seemed Vaishali was hell bent on making me feel miserable. A lot of sulking and tears later she accepted the fact that we had to play our parts well in front of Anil in order for me to escape undetected. I had written my letters of farewell which would later reach Vaishali, Mr. Jaswani, Ms. Veena and not forgetting Anil too. After all, though it had been quite irritating dodging him, he had been the one taking care of us. Ms. Veena was the only one with whom I had not shared the whole story with. I had left it up to Mr. Jaswani to explain it to her, whichever way he wished considering he was intelligent enough not to spook the kind lady with what may seem like tall tales.

Both Vaishali and me had worn the ethnic Rajasthani dress so that Anil didn't get suspicious. Anil greeted us with a weird smile but was gentleman enough not to comment, although he did say that we both looked beautiful and suited the atmosphere of the fort. I had to stamp discreetly on Vaishali's foot to stop her from giggling and giving us away.

"We wanted to feel the feel of what living in that era felt like... so what better way than to look the part... The photographs would also come out quite great" I explained unnecessarily trying to cover up.

"That's what I thought... The photographs would look so natural. You... both of you look like princesses. This photographer is at your service... royal highnesses" he grinned and I released a sigh of relief.

As planned Vaishali started distracting Anil as soon as we set foot inside the fort. It was quite difficult to get rid of Anil as he kept sidling back to my side. As we neared 'the alcove' I asked Anil to take a long shot of both Vaishali and me.

"Vaishali we are reaching there. At least make sure that his back is turned towards me... when I make my move" I whispered through my smiling grin.

She seemed to have come back to the realization that the time to part was drawing near and gave me a tearful look. I glared back at her while inside I too felt my heart pain at the thought of the imminent parting.

"Anil can you come out of this passage and take a picture of me ... alone near that pillar" Vaishali said trying to sound cheerful but her face didn't match her tone.

"Sure..." said Anil, ever obligingly.

I quickly entered the alcove in the passage and before I could think further about my action I felt the familiar dizziness darkness start to engulf me.


A hand grabbed my wrist. 

A short one for now till we meet again :D. 

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