Lekha 32

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I was treated like a princess as everyone tried to make me feel comfortable. My injured foot was propped on a bolster for comfort. Maasa herself regularly massaged my foot with a nice smelling ointment. The food was served to me in bed. The only disgusting part of it was the bitter medicine maasa made me drink and the turmeric milk. I missed the modern day medicine at those times.

As evening drew near, I felt lonesome as everyone was downstairs having food. I had already been served food by Radha but having it alone was not what I liked.

"How is your foot now?"

I looked up to find Rudra standing by the door. I wanted to reply back rudely but it felt good to have company.

"It's better I think" I said softly unsure of how to react after the turbulent events of the day.

"Good to hear it."He smiled at me. "I had wanted to tell you... I mean I had thought ..." He hesitated.

"Bhaisa ! Why are you standing here at the door? Why don't you go inside? "said the busy bee Lajo.

"Oh! Nothing... I was just inquiring about her ankle. I have work to do. I must be leaving." said Rudra in a hurried manner as he left from there, giving me a tight smile.

I wondered if Rudra was trying to apologize to me for being rude.

After that whenever Rudra crossed my door he gave a small smile and a nod towards me which I returned back courteously. I was amazed at this sudden change in attitude but I still didn't trust him, as I wasn't sure when his mood would change again.

Lajo visited me quite often but I could sense her trying to send feelers about my relationship with Rudra. She still couldn't get over the fact that Rudra had carried me up the stairs, no matter how much I tried to convince her otherwise.

Two days later after the incident she sneaked in while I was having my lunch and gave a satisfied smile seeing no one there with me.

"Jeeji tell me something ... why did bhaisa pick you up as you could easily have hopped upstairs using the other leg and a little bit of help" she asked with a naughty smile on her face.

While I contemplated what to say she continued.

"You know it almost felt like a princess was being carried by her prince after being rescued from a castle" she said with a dreamy look on her face.

"It was nothing Lajo ... you over think about things. I had fallen badly and it would have caused too much pain to be hopping around from near the horse. He just didn't remember to put me down" I tried to explain.

"You don't understand jeeji but bhaisa is head over heels in love with you" said the wise one.

"Please Lajo stay away from such contemplation... you have heard too many fairy tales it seems" I said trying to make her stop.

"You might consider me young for all this but I am quite sharp at reading people". I didn't respond on this considering silence to be golden in this case.

"Don't believe me, but soon you will" she persisted.

"Lajo what are you doing here bugging Lekha... don't you have any work" said Vasundhara.

"Jeeji I was just talking to Lekha jeeji as I like her" said Lajo pouting.

"No ... no don't worry. She was not disturbing me. I was feeling lonely so she came in to entertain." I said trying to pacify.

Lekha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now