Lekha 68

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I woke up to the sounds of thumping beats and music coming from somewhere in the house. Finding myself inside maasa's room reminded me of the events earlier. I had almost blurted out everything under emotional stress. I gave a pep talk to my heart encouraging it to keep calm, despite all kinds of temptations it faced in the shape of the caring family members.

Maasa had told me that my meal would be sent to the room , but I felt too restless to stay put. If I didn't drive the whole thing to the conclusion I feared I might just end up married to an unwilling Rudra and that would be disastrous for all involved. With greater determination than I had before I slowly crept towards my room , hoping that I would meet others first to set the ball rolling before I came face to face with the other relatives.

A hand from behind held me by the shoulder stopping me in mid stride as I moved like a sleuth on a mission. I had not heard a single sound and yet I had been caught. My heart nearly stopped with fright although I had nothing to be afraid of I supposed.

"Where are you creeping off to?" said Rudra in an amused voice.

"No.. no. why will I creep around? I am not a thief" I tried to sound bold and confident while my heart took its own sweet time to normalize the palpitations. I didnt turn around trying to buy some time in order to modulate my face into a neutral one but when did luck ever favor me.

I was suddenly turned around in what I would have termed as a beautiful dance move ,in happier circumstances but this was not one . I felt like a thief, which was of course a ridiculous thought I told my heart.

"Are you planning to run away ?.... again ?"The amusement was still in his voice which helped me calm my nerves. He wasn't angry and that was in my favor. It made me bold and I dared to look back into his eyes without blinking , belatedly realizing my mistake. He was a reverse medusa who instead of turning me to stone, made my feelings come alive with full force. We were all alone in this semi dark passage and so close, sighed my pathetic heart. I suddenly didn't know how to react.

"No.. no. I mean I am not running ? " I stuttered."Where will I run off to?"

"Relax ... Lekha. I was just teasing you ?" Teasing and Rudra didn't seem to go together at least not in my knowledge. It seemed as if another had taken possession over this person.

"I was just looking for my friends and didn't want to be seen any others."I said softly.

"Your friends are both downstairs enjoying the celebrations.... of our 'wedding'" he said emphasizing on the word wedding.

"But why... when will I ... I mean don't we have to find a way to undo all this" I said exasperated as I gestured towards all around us.

"What's the hurry Lekha? Didn't I tell you to leave it all on me? We have just arrived today ... these things take time. I promised your friends a wedding celebration and that is what they are enjoying ... so.."

"But it was your wedding ...you promised and not.." I cut him off mid sentence.

"Is it not what they are attending... 'my wedding'" he interrupted.

"But... but its not..."

"Relax Lekha. Everything will turn out as it should be. Even you should enjoy all this attention"

"No ... no ... it's all wrong. I can't ... it's all wrong ... I am not the right bride ...you should tell...." I sounded desperate but I was feeling it.

"Alright... alright ... give me three days at the most. This is very critical and we should handle it very carefully. "said Rudra trying to soothe me down.

"But we are supposed to get married after three days... you can't change..."I started to protest as he was dragging things till the last day.

"Shh... Lekha" he said putting his finger on my lips gently. The touch shocked me to silence.

"Will it be so bad to marry me ...?"Rudra said so softly that I almost didn't hear it being busy trying to analyze the effect the finger was having on my lips .

My mouth opened but no words came out , as I was taken aback. I stared at him dumbstruck. I couldn't believe he said that.

"Rudra sa... Rudra sa..." interrupted a melodic voice from behind us.

I suddenly felt quite conscious at being caught like this alone with him , even though he was my said fiance. I kept my face averted in order to avoid being noticed by the intruder. I recalled the voice but couldn't actually place it. Rudra's body hid me from being seen by the person but alas even I couldn't see her without revealing my identity, so stood still waiting for her to leave.

"Rudra sa it's so unlike you to ignore your guests and come here to hide leaving all the celebrations... You seem upset? ... Can I be of any assistance... you know we are friends ?" said the siren. I still couldn't place where I had heard the voice ... could it be ...

"Roop..."said Rudra without turning towards her and my heart fell with a big thud. Rudra voice came out soft, as if he cared.

"I will come down soon. Nothing to worry about. You go.."

"But .. you know despite everything ... who can better understand you then me..."said Roopmati in a very coaxing voice.

I had enough of the torture and I marched towards my room uncaring of the fact that now Roopmati could see me. Rudra tried to hold me back but he was too distracted by what I termed as his 'original fiance' to get a grasp on me.

"Oh! you were with Lekha...! I am so sorry. I didn't see her.."even sounding distressed she seemed like a fraud to my ears. My instincts told me that she knew I was present there.

"You go downstairs..." said Rudra in a monotone.

"Oh ! forgive me ... I feel so guilty... I just meant to..."

Whatever she meant to do was lost to me as I closed the door of my room. I didn't want to make a scene by going downstairs with a pink nose from crying so I tried to control my emotions. I took in deep breaths to calm myself .

The girl indeed was getting impatient, trying hard to prove her closeness with Rudra. If she had been a friend I would have advised her to keep patience and perhaps confided in her to soothe her heart. I might have told her that Rudra loved her equally and we planned to replace her with me soon. After this scene her desperation removed even an iota of sympathy I had for her. She had meant to hurt me indirectly and I could not forgive her for that.

In the middle of my musings I heard a soft knock on my door. With all these sudden heart stopping moments happening frequently to me the last few days, I wondered if I might not get a heart attack on the next one.

I guessed if it was Rudra. I got up to open the door with full intention of telling him off. I meant to warn him to get his act up fast and clear the story before I lost my nerve and blurted it out.

I am trying to write but these things take time. 

(Aggressive messages wont make me write any faster )- For that one reader.

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