Lekha 52

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"Lekha! Lekha... O God she has fainted"

"Leeeekhaaa..." I heard someone call from somewhere far away, trying to tear through the fuzzy fabric of my muddled up brains. Why had someone glued up my eyes? I felt someone gently shake me and trying to lift my head.

"Go and call Veena ma'am"

I wondered if kakisa had changed her name to Veena and then all of a sudden a thought whizzed through my muddled brain that 'mission had been accomplished'. I could feel hot tears flowing down my cheeks and my throat suddenly felt all clogged up.

Someone poured water on my parched lips while another wiped my face using a damp towel.

"Move girls don't crowd around her. She seemed to have fainted due to the heat." I heard the now familiar voice of Mrs. Veena.

I pushed myself with all the energy I could gather from within and opened my eyes to find the worried faces of the girls from my orphanage. I slowly let a little smile slip to ensure them of my wellbeing.

"What were you doing in that alcove Lekha and what are you wearing?" asked Vaishali who was my closest friend till date after the disaster had struck.

"I ... I was in the alcove? Clothes ...?" I asked trying to brush away the webs clogging my brain. I looked down to find myself in traditional rajasthani attire. I wondered if what felt like a dream was a reality even though far fetching one at that.

"Yes... we found you there and had to drag you out of it. Luckily Vaishali followed her instinct to open that door when we couldn't find you after a long search. Otherwise..." said Jhanvi as she shook her head unable to speak about the fatal consequences.

"Oh! The alcove... now I remember. I was trying to hide and scare you all when you came by" I said suddenly remembering how it had all started. For me if all that I had to go through had actually been true then it had been days since the incident had occurred and the minute details were but a distant memory.

"You... little miss next time at least let somebody know when you are attempting such dangerous surprises or you might just find yourself equally surprised when you wake up in the hospital the next time" said Mrs. Veena waggling her finger at me. I could see serious concern on her face and felt bad for upsetting her, but soon the guilty feeling evaporated as she sprouted out her next words.

"Vaishali will go with you to the palace entrance and you will sit there to take rest near the stairs. This time don't go wandering about. We will talk about the incident when we return back to the hostel. Vaishali can then return back to join us. We have wasted enough time looking for you, so as a punishment... "She looked quite sternly at me but softened seeing me sad. "... See Lekha you can't roam around the palace as you seem to be still suffering from exhaustion. It's huge and there's a long walk ahead of us. It's for your own good especially after the ordeal you better take rest. Alright...?"

She had tried to soften the blow knowing my craziness for anything related to history.

I was about to protest but then nodded in agreement as suddenly it occurred to me that I had already seen the palace in its full glory. Full glory! What was I thinking... was it a dream or did I actually time travel? If I went by what I was wearing then it seemed that time travel was a possibility. My head ached at that thought as I tried to shake away the uneasiness. Maybe if I rested a bit then I would be able to solve the mystery much better.

"Do you think someone tried to kidnap her ...? I mean look at her dress.." I heard Jhanvi whisper to Ms. Veena as I turned to go with Vaishali.

"Keep quite!" scolded Ms. Veena. "Vaiahali dear, if you wish you can stay back with Lekha. I mean... your choice..." she prompted turning around towards us. It seemed she had come to the same conclusion as Jhanvi and knowing Vaishali was my best friend she must have considered it to be a good idea.

Vaishali led me back to what I now recalled as Ganesh Pol following what now seemed like a familiar path. What suddenly struck me was the condition the palace had fallen into. I had been excited about my visit here but now a sense of disappointment filled in me, to the point that I was actually felt upset.

"It's all ruined" I said in a sad little voice gesturing towards the palace.

"What do you mean ruined... it was like this when we had arrived and you were all googly eyes as if you would never leave from here? You are talking all weird now ... and even your dress... "Vaishali whispered the end part in a suspicious tone. That got my mind back to alert.

"I meant it's so different from what I had read in the books" I tried to rectify my mistake, leaving out the explanation about the change in dress. I had to figure it all out before I could reveal anything even to my best friend.

"Oh! Yes. I wonder who the care taker is. It's too big to be fully maintained properly and plus those love birds have to ruin what's left of it" she said with a glare towards a couple who held a pen in their hand but dropped it the moment they saw her give them the evil eye.

I dragged her away before she could go all out and the lecture the couple on how they were trying to destroy our national heritage.

Vaishali left after she settled me in a quite spot near the entrance giving me an extra bottle of water and snacks. I had to literarily force her to leave after convincing her that I would require some photographs of the palace. I needed some peace and quiet to contemplate what had happened.

I sat there for a while trying to make head and tail out of the events in my dream and wondered why it was still so clear in my mind and why did I still feel the pain in my heart .

Do point out if there is a mistake. The chapter is unedited. Will do it later. :)

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