Lekha 8

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" Mahadevi sa" I shouted, almost as if I was being murdered.

Everyone turned to look at me, even the rude guard gaped at me shocked. I knew it was considered ill-mannered for a young lady to scream like that in a public place, but my desperation got the better off me.

Mahadevi sa turned around and looked at me with surprise. Then with a slight smile on her face she beckoned me to her. I ran hurrying to her as much as my long skirts allowed me to. She was standing with some other ladies who had also come for the wedding, everyone dressed like royalties, but at that moment my whole focus was on Mahadevi sa, since she was the only known face and she could make or break me. I was feeling a bit apprehensive now. What if she rejected me, where would that leave me. 

 "Come here daughter, do pranam to all the ladies here" I bowed with folded hands in front of all. 

"This is Lekha, my distant niece who had got orphaned at a very young age. I found her yesterday. Her parents had left the family long time back to travel around the world and got killed by bandits in the jungle. Somehow she reached here. Poor girl! I thank the goddess with my whole heart. Don't know what would have happened to her, if I had not found her" 

I stared at her dumbfounded. She gave me a slight smile, now all her attention on me.

"Where is Vasundhara and Gayatri, why are you roaming around alone. I told you not to leave them." 

The other ladies were looking at the conversation with curiosity. The fact that I knew the girls must had been an added bonus points to authenticate what Mahadevi sa had told about me. Some were I could feel appraising my dress, and I thanked my lucky star that Vasundhara had lent me one of her almost new dress considering the grand ceremony. 

"I had lost them in the crowd as everyone tried move out, then there were so many green odhnis, I got confused and was left out. I couldn't get inside." 

My lips trembled as the tears which I had controlled in front of the rude guard shimmered in my eyes. I turned my head the other way as one tear rolled out just thinking about the pathetic situation I would have been in, had I not sighted my savior. Though I was angry at the guard, I didn't want him to be scolded for his rude behavior towards me, as he was just doing his loyal duty.

"Don't worry dear, I will take you with me"

Another round of pranams later, we moved towards the palace gate. The guard looked at me and Mahadevi sa with surprise. He looked a bit apprehensive, trying to judge if I had complained about him or not. I just smiled slightly at him and moved forward to my safe haven. When I thought we were quite alone I raised my eyes to Mahadevi sa's face to question her, but before I could ask her anything, she put her finger on her lips, a gesture for me to keep quite.

Passing all the gates and paths we reached Vasundhara's room. I saw both of my friends ready to go somewhere looking upset. 

"Searching for your friend dear? " Mahadevi sa asked laughter in her eyes.

I was literary pounced upon by my both friends and were blasted with questions about how, why, when. I just laughed loudly more with happiness that someone cared for me here, enough to worry about my disappearance. I gave them the details, leaving out the insolence of the guard and the high-handedness of the man who thought himself some royalty. He looked like a commoner, the way he was dressed, but the guard had allowed him entry and saluted him too.

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