Lekha 26

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Chand Baori (World's deepest step-well)

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Chand Baori (World's deepest step-well)

We had reached a place called Abha Nagri (now called Abhaneri) where the beautiful Chand Baori was, by the evening. It was supposed to be the last resting place before we parted ways. Gayatri looked quite subdued especially after the story. This time the tents had been installed for the night. Even though I felt sad for Rudra, the feeling was a bit suppressed by the excitement of camping at night in a desert. It may have been nothing unusual for others but for me it was adventurous enough, though again because of 'the story of my life' I had narrated I couldn't reveal my excitement to others. For a girl who had a nomadic life, staying in a tent was just part of the usual.

I would have actually loved to have helped pitch the tents and help with all the basics but here I was stuck being the would-be bride of the chieftain's son. It was not that I was ungrateful at being given the privileged life but the sitting still part was killing me.

"Let's help with the water girls. We were interrupted at the dharamshala" I said itching to pitch in and also to get a closer look at what others were doing.

"Oh! That's a great idea" chuckled Vasundhara, "Let me just get permission".

Before Gayatri could respond she ran towards where her mother's tent was. Gayatri still seemed a bit upset and I could sense her pain.

"Don't worry Gayatri ... I will never consciously hurt your brother" I said looking straight into her eyes, as I held her shoulder in comfort. "I have much to be grateful for to even think of hurting anyone actually. Just between me and you I promise to do everything needful to bring happiness in his life and help him back to being his old self again."

Gayatri's eyes welled up with tears on hearing me promise and she hugged me tight in a deep embrace. Even my eyes were tearful seeing her cry. I didn't know how I would fulfill my promise to her but one thing I was sure that I would do all to keep it.

I looked up from our embrace and saw Rudra standing on top of a nearby dune looking down at us. I quickly looked away and slowly removed myself from the hug which now felt awkward having being witnessed by him. I wondered what he might be thinking seeing us like that, I hoped not something further negative. I peeped from beneath my eyelashes to see if he was still watching us but he seemed to have vanished from that point.

"Maasa has given the permission "shouted Vasundhara happily. "But she has asked us to take special care of Lekha as she is unused to this".

I felt a flutter of happiness in my heart that maasa cared so much about me.

"Let's go then" said Gayatri with enthusiasm, now fully cheered.

We found the well surrounded by lots of women filling water in their pots. We had to climb up a few steps to reach the platform where a stone wall surrounded the well. I tried to peep inside the well but it was covered with a wooden cover to prevent water from evaporating and also to keep it safe from sand storms. It seemed to be quite deep considering the scarcity of water.

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