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Unknown: I miss you 💔

Unknown: stop ignoring me

-stop playing on my line

I texted back, tears welling my eyes. It was 2 AM, and somebody was blowing up my phone. Whoever it was, they were pretending to be Red—sick as fuck.

Unknown: can I see you 👀 open the door

I sat there for a while, quickly wiping a tear that escaped. I froze at a knock on the door. I felt my hands shake as I pull my covers back, kicking them off. I looked at the baby before I picked up the metal baseball bat in the corner. My breath was ragged as I approached the door.

"Stop playing—this ain't funny!" My hand reached for the doorknob slowly. I flung the door open, putting the bat up.

"Y'all gone learn not to—" I stopped immediately and the bat dropped alongside my right foot. I stared at the tall, skinny, light skin boy in front of me. He had dark brown eyes and tattoos up his arms. He flashed a smile, showing his pretty white teeth. It was only then I noticed the big bruise across his cheek, a cut under his eye, and his bloody shirt with holes in it.

"Red..." I breathed out, staring in awe. My heart pounded as I reached up, touching his face.

"Queen—I missed you baby." He whispered, stepping closer.

"I missed you too." I admitted. He touched my face.

"But...why did you let me die?" I froze.

"W-what? No..."

"Why?" He asked as his hands wrapped around my neck.

"I didn't mean t—" I felt most of my breath leave as he squeezed my neck. I tried to peel his fingers off. I felt light headed, then heard a loud noise. I gasped for air as his body hit the ground and blood stained the carpet and my face. I screamed right before I was snatched into a big hug.

"Ian gon' let him hurt you." It was Kentrell. His voice soothed me into a calm state.

"Ian gone let nobody hurt you."

I woke up, coughing like I was chocking.

"What the fuck?" I asked softly as I sat up. My heart was still pounding. I shook my head, trying to get the image of him falling to the floor out of my head. I got out of bed and picked up a jacket as I slid into my slides. I felt the tears come as I grabbed my keys. I heard everybody in the front room talking, making me curse under my breath. I walked across the floor without making eye contact.

"Whea you headed?" I heard somebody ask.

"I'a be back." I mumbled, not wanting to turn around.

After I got out with no more questions, I jumped in my car and sped off, gripping the steering wheel. I had to clear my head. I tried not to get too upset as I drove to my usual thinking spot. It was an empty parking lot up a steep hill. You could see the sun rise and the sun set from there. Niggas usually pulled up to make a play or get some pussy. I just came to think.

I thought about the dream. I thought about what it could mean. Then I started thinking about Red all over again. And then Arianna—which led to thinking about Kentrell and how to talk to him about the fact that Ari is his. Basically, I stressed myself out until I fell asleep. I woke up with the beaming in my face and my phone buzzing. I scrolled through the many notifications on my phone.

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