76 Race against time: 4 hours

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"Dad what happened?" Nora asked running towards him

"What happened to my family?! Why did Cassandra say I'll choose Caitlin over Iris !?"

"Look dad, I don't think I can tell you anything! It could alter the timeline ... "

"You told me that Iris basically abandoned you, and Cassandra took me into the future and I found that I literally chose Caitlin ... you didn't tell me any of that" said Barry in tears.

"We can't tell you anything!" Bart said

"Maybe we should" Iris said

"You don't even know the whole truth!" Cassie said

"What does it mean? What don't I know? " Iris asked

"Call all the team Flash ... I will ask the Speed ​​Force to protect the timeline from change ... I hope she will accept"

"How serious is it all?" Nora asked

"If I don't say anything, Dad and the others will underestimate Cassandra ... I can't allow it!" Cassie said before running away

inside the Speed ​​Force

"Speed ​​Froce, I need to talk to you!" Cassie yelled

"Hi Cassie!" said the Speed ​​Force, in the form of Nora Allen

"I need you to protect the timeline!"

"I'm already doing it!"

"You and the other forces must allow me to reveal the truth about Darkest Thunder AKA Cassandra Allen to the team Flash of the past!"

"We can't protect the timeline from this change!"

"I know you can! You are able to stabilize the timeline using key events!"

"The timeline has already been altered countless times by Darkest Thunder, the continuum of space time is damaged! We cannot guarantee that reality will hold up!" said La speed Force

"I have to reveal the truth! Otherwise we will lose!"

"We'll try ... good luck Cassie," Speed ​​Fore said, before sending Cassie back

STAR Labs :   Cortex

"Why did you call us?" Allegra asked

"We have decided that we have to tell you the truth ..." Nora said

"Which truth?" Joe asked

"The truth about Darkest Thunder and what he did to our family," Cassie said

"What is it about?" Frost asked

"After what happened to Nora, I understood how Darkes Thunder had always been one step ahead of all of us ... the truth is that he, indeed she, has altered the timeline, has controlled every little detail in your lives to create me, her rival! " Cassie said

"How is such a thing possible? And above all, is Darkest Thunder a woman !? " Cisco asked

"Yes .. I'm Darkest Thunder!"

"Wait, are you telling me it's Savitar's story repeating itself?" Joe asked

"Not exactly... ... Darkest Thunder is my alter ego in another timeline"

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