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A few days had gone by, Iris had been locked in the tunnel due to her constant fits of anger.
The cause was the pregnancy, in fact, as had happened with Cecile, it had altered the dark matter values ​​in Iris's body.

The overload of the central nervous system, induced by the powers of the hooded man, had a longer duration: instead of 3-4 hours, we were talking about 3-4 days before the situation returned to normal.

It had only been 3 days , however Nora still wanted to talk to Iris and finally clarify with her.

Since they had argued, Nora had moved in with Caitlin, she didn't want to say anything to her father, because she would end up revealing too much about the future.

But now she was determined to clarify with her mother and resolve the situation to return with them

"Mom, can I talk to you?" Nora asked as she entered the tunnel

"Of course you can Nora, my dear!"

"I wanted to talk to you about my surname..."

"Ah yeah! The one you need to change!" Iris yelled with red eyes

"Mom, calm down! It's not you talking! It's the dark matter that is overloading your synapses!"

"My ... what? I'm not a scientist!" Iris said, starting to laugh as her eyes became normal again "I seem to hear your father, when we were in high school he talked to me about science for hours, not that I understood a word but I loved it! "

"Okay mom... in short, when you usually get nervous when chemical changes occur and certain areas of the brain are activated ... the effects of the hooded meta-human cause an overstimulation of certain areas of the brain, this leads to inability to control impulses, of whatever nature they are, especially anger!"

"I'm sorry Nora, I remember what I did to you... I didn't want to.... But when I saw you changed your name... I thought I had lost you forever!"

"The truth is that in the future after you disappeared it took me time to recover... I thought you were dead.
When dad and Caitlin got married she wanted to adopt me and Bart, I was happy with the idea ... Then I thought that if they ever had children I would lose my mother again... so I asked to take the surname Snow-Allen, Caitlin reassured me that it would never happen, in the end I took the surname Allen "

"I'm so sorry Nora, I had no idea how much you suffered. I understand."

"Schway, I'm glad you understood!"

"So ... when will you get back the surname West-Allen?"

"What? No ... I mean I changed it for this reason, but I kept it for another ... then I mean Bart has only the surname Allen"

"Nora, you still want to play this game, I'm your mother, not Caitlin! Get my surname back!" She said with red eyes

"You know I doubt that in this case it's the effects that speak," Nora said, as her eyes began to moisten.

"Nora I'm your family, not her! Just me and no other woman!"

"Hi mom, better wrap up here ... I think I'll stay with Cassie for a while" said Nora holding back her tears.

Nora went back to Caitlin's apartment, she was happy she had finally cleared up the situation with her mother, but what happened next had shaken her and filled her with doubts.

She went into Cassie's room thinking she was alone, but she wasn't

"Nora, why are you trying in every way to get along with that woman?"

"Cassie, we already talked about it, just yesterday ..."

"That woman almost destroyed our family ... I love her too, but you can't ..."

"What ?! She's my mother, She's my family, you're not even my sister !!"

"I'm your sister, half-sister if you really want to be picky, but you know well that our family goes far beyond blood ties! What about Grandma Cecile , Uncle Cisco, Aunt Frost, Caity, Sophie... Grandma Carla!"

"Why that woman does this to me ..." Nora said falling to her knees crying  "I love you Little sister, I love you so much, you are my little sister, you and the twins ... you are everything for me and Bart ... I love you! ".

"Nora don't cry ..."

"I should be the one to console you!" tried to say Nora,

"It doesn't matter, even if you are my designated guardian, I am the best consoling in the family!"

"Why, despite all the times I have preferred Iris to all of you, and I have treated you, Cassie, badly, you continue to be so nice to me, little sister?"

"You just said, I am your sister, we are a family, and a family is forever! No one is left behind! If someone leaves the family, they can always come back!"

"Why didn't she come back when I was little?" Nora said crying more and more "she had disappeared for whatever reason, for 5 years which for her had been 5 seconds! When she came back ... not even for Christmas did she stay with us, neither for my birthday nor for Bart's! She didn't choose to leave, but she chose not to return! "

"You know better than me what happened, she wanted everything to go back to normal, her normality, where I didn't exist and my mother was just a friend of the family"

"Yes, but why didn't she choose to stay with me??!" Nora said

"Nora, I'm only 17, I've had a few relationships, but to tell you the truth I have no idea how true love works! Iris and Barry were one thing that an unpredictable change separated, I think by now the changes were too many to ignore ... "

While Cassie was comforting Nora, the two sisters got a call from Cisco telling him to run to STAR Labs.

The two speedsters arrived in a few seconds, soon Bart also arrived,

"Here you are guys! Do you have any idea who they are?" Cisco asked pointing to the two girls on the beds in the infirmary

"Darkest Thunder brought them here saying they were just a warning before moving on to someone closer to you," added Barry.

The girls had bandages on their faces and severe cuts along their arms, as soon as they recognized them, the three burst into tears.

"I understand this is something horrible, but guys brace yourselves ... I mean it's not your fault, how could you have known they were in danger? Do you know who they are anyway?" Frost said

"Yeah..." Cassie and Nora said in tears as they hugged Bart.
His two sisters couldn't stop crying, so it was he who spoke

"Aunt Frost ..."

"Since when do you call me aunt?" she answered laughing, trying to play down

"Aunt Frost ... they're Sophie and Caity ... they're 7 and 5 ... they're your daughters!"

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