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Everyone rushed to the infirmary, Caitlin was sitting on the bed.

 Cassie hugged her making her scream in pain

"Sorry mom I didn't want to hurt you but I was so scared, you didn't improve and with this technology I couldn't do much ..."

"It doesn't matter Rose, but what exactly happened, all I remember is that Darkest Thunder walked into the S.T.A.R.Labs and took me, then nothing more"

"You disappeared for one night, you reappeared the next morning, we fought him but in the end he ran away, you were passed out for 26 hours, we were so scared Mo...Caitlin'' Nora said, unable to completely avoid calling her mom, while she was hugging her and her sister, however to Caitlin it seemed a "weird babble"

"Nora you look exhausted" Caitlin said letting out the doctor in her "Are you hurt? How long have you not slept?"

"I'm fine quiet, I couldn't sleep knowing you were hurt" Nora answered, moving away from the bed a little.

"You needn't have worried," Caitlin said, struggling to take her hand

"I did the same thing you did with me, or rather that you will do in the future, when I was sick as a child you were always close to me even when ..." Nora said starting to move further away seeing Iris enter

"What's wrong?" Cait asked

"Nothing, a thing of the future, something I'm still sorry about ..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, we'll talk about it in the future, just know that I'm happy you're okay"

In less than 2 hours Caitlin was already on her feet, for the first time it was another doctor who gave her permission, the strangest thing was that that doctor was her 16-year-old daughter from the future, a doctor of medicine and physics.

She wasted no time and began to collaborate with the search for the evil sprinter, however despite the hours of searching they had found nothing, she was sad for the failure.

"M .. Caitlin ... hi, I wanted to," Nora said as she entered the cortex, where Caitlin had insisted on being alone.

"That's enough!" Caitlin yelled almost in tears "Why do you hate me !!"

"M ... Caitlin, what are you saying?"

"Don't pretend Nora, since you've been here you've always pushed me away, you can't even say my name !!! Every time you stammer or interrupt before saying it !!! Why do you hate me so much ?! If it wasn't for Cassie you would never have hugged me !!! "

"It is not so!!!" Nora said with shining eyes

"Enough Nora, you owe me the truth !!" Caitlin cried in tears

"The truth is that I don't hate you !! On the contrary, you are one of the people I care about the most, MOM !!!"

"Nora?!? Did you call me MOM?" Caitlin said

"Yes, mine wasn't a stutter, I've been calling you mom since I was 10, you've always been taking care of me, since before you and dad got together.

I pushed you away because it was too hard for me to resist the temptation to call you "Mom", to come to you for a hug when I was sad, not to talk to you about my problems.
I was hoping that you would stay away and it would be easier to hide the truth about the future ... but you have never left me alone ... I love you mom, I'm so sorry for making you suffer!"

Caitlin's tears had now turned to happiness, suddenly she no longer felt pain from her wounds, she had lost all her worries.

"Nora ... May I hug you?" Caitlin asked recovering from the shock

"I was going to ask you the same thing, Mom!"

As they hugged Caitlin took a deep breath and said

"I know I shouldn't be asking about the future for the timeline thing but ... can I just ask you a question?"

"You want to know if we are a real family?"

"Well yeah ... I mean you said Barry and I are going to get married when Bart was 3, I saw the weird expression you made when you said Cassie was only half your sister ... and now you called me MOM"

"You always treated me like your daughter since before you and dad got together, you were close to me when I was sick, if I needed you you were always there" Nora stopped and clutched the medallion around her neck "You were my mother without being and without obligations towards me, the same goes for Bart, Cassie is our sister in all respects, yes we are a family, a particular one, but that I adore"

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Cassie and I have something planned to cheer you up ... would you like to spend the rest of the day with us?"

"Yes, sure !! What have you and your sister organized?"

The three had a special day, a special day with Caity, it turned out to be the best of all time, first a movie in the cinema, a new release that in the future was a favorite of the sisters, a coffee at Jitters, and an evening at the planetarium, then from 8 pm to 4 am an evening at the Central City astronomical observatory.

They then stayed awake until dawn which they watched from the roof of the tallest building in the city.

"It was a great night, thank you! I love you..." Caitlin said

"It was incredible, it was at least a year since we had an evening like this, so many of those good memories come to mind, I love you mom" said Nora hugging Caitlin and Cassie

"Now leave me I'm about to start crying, I love you my daughters !!"

"Don't cry Mom" Nora said

"Listen to my sister, however the sun is rising, it's not over yet, the grand finale is missing," Cassie said in a fit of joy.

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked

"The last thing is missing, a giant chocolate from Jitters' secret menu, to share between the three of us!" Nora replied.

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