62 Race Against Time: 18 hours

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"Nora, are you ready to answer my questions?" Cassie asked

"Yes, little sister!"

"This is about Nora Prime... what do you remember about your cancellation from the timeline?"

"I helped dad defeat Thawne, then I started disappearing ... the timeline had changed"

"The crisis was anticipated, and you would never have been born ..." Cassie continued


"What do you remember after your disappearance?"

"One moment I was hugging my parents then I found myself in a strange place ..."

"Be more specific"

"It was like being inside the Speed Force, but everything was different, everything was wrong ..."

"What were these differences?"

"Dad's childhood home ..."

"What do you mean? Wasn't the house there?!"

"I didn't mean that ... the house was there, but it was a dark place, I remember feeling a sense of anguish and loneliness ... then the lightning didn't help ..."

"Lightning strikes? Isn't that relatively normal in the Speed ​​Force?"

"Not those ... They were green! A strange green ... I don't know how to define it"

"What else was different?"

"Everything ... I tried several times to contact Speed ​​force, but ..."

"What did you do? Did you try to escape?"

"Not immediately ... I remember waiting for someone to come and rescue me, but nobody ever came ..."

"How long did you wait before trying to escape?"

"Do you know that time flows differently there?"

"Yes, I was there a long time before I got permission to change the timeline," Cassie replied, understanding what her sister meant.

"It's been years ... After 100 years I stopped counting ... I think I understand what dad felt when he entered the Speed ​​Force after Savitar ..."

"Oh my God! Have you spent centuries in that hell?"

"Much more time ... After waiting I tried in every way to escape for I don't know how long ..."

"I know it's tough big sister, I understand it from your look ... we don't have to continue if you don't want to"

"You have 19 hours to live! I'm not going to let you play the protective little sister right now! Let's go on!"

"Er ... only 18 hours now ..."

"What? How is this possible?"

"You passed out for a long time, and I gave you time to recover the memories ..."

"You shouldn't have waited that long... Let's go on!"

"Okay Nora, you said you tried to escape, what did you mean? Did you try to breach? A wormhole?"

"No, I was inside what I thought was the Speed Force, so I was trying to get out as I usually did ... running and waiting for the moment to get out ...."

"Yes, I understand ... but it didn't work?"

"No! Of course not! Otherwise I would have gone out years earlier!" Nora yelled

"Nora, calm down! It's not you who got trapped, it's the memories of another timeline, then even if you were trapped, you're out now! You're safe!" Cassie said, making Nora calm down

"Sorry," Nora said in tears "It just feels so real! I feel like I've lived it for real!"

"Shh ... Nora, don't cry, you're safe now! Are you sure you want to continue?"

"I have to Cassie! I have to do it for you little sister!"

"Ok, describe your Speed Force prison"

"Why that name?"

"Well ... it was like the Speed Force, then it was a prison ... then we're on the subject, after all it was the plan for Savitar that we recycled for Darkest Thunder!" Cassie said making her sister laugh

"It looked like the Speed Force through and through... only that all the lightning was green!
I remember spending years, centuries trying to escape ... I ran for hours, days, years, until I ran out of strength and fell to the ground unconscious ... every time I woke up in the house where it all started ... "

"Thank you! One last question Nora, how did you get out? Were you running and a passage opened? Or did something else happen?"

"I had just started running, it took me weeks to recover my energy after the last attempt ... anyway all I remember is that at a certain point I accelerated abruptly, I passed out and woke up in the Cortex ..."

"Do you remember any other details about your escape?"

"Actually, yes: while I was running the tips of my hair had started to float and I felt a strange taste of metal in my mouth ..."

"I was right! This was the ultimate proof ... almost"


"The hair and the taste of metal!"

"I was in a dimension made up of lightning! Isn't that normal?"

"Yes, it is normal in itself, but ... the floating hair and the taste of metal in the mouth are the only two characteristics common to all the strange things that have happened to our family!"

"What you mean?"

"Your mother, Uncle Ronnie, Aunt Frost, even Eddie have experienced those two sensations!"

"I'm not following you," Nora said unconvincingly

"I'll explain everything to you later ... first I need an opinion on time travel"

"I don't think Dad or Uncle Jay ever hide anything from us about time travel ..." Nora said, not fully understanding what her sister meant

"What little you have written in your diary is far more in-depth than even the speed force has taught me ... I have to talk to him"

"What? Cassandra are you crazy?!?!?!"

"Nora, think about it! He is the greatest time travel expert! I can't explain my theory to you now, it would take too long to update the others, I just tell you one thing ... I think Darkest Thunder, somehow it has altered the timeline! "

"For real?"

"Maybe more than once! But to prove my theory I have to talk to him! "

"When Dad and I went back in time and talked to him, he planned everything to escape! You can't beat him in his field! "

"I've already planned everything, I'll erase his memory ... I'll make sure that monster doesn't remember anything about me ..."

"Cassie, please don't go!"

"I have to do it, big sister ... if I'm right there is no other choice!"

"Cassie ... be careful little sister!"

"All time!" Cassie said activating the time courier

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