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Frost was in shock, when she found out she was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed and so she had remained for almost an hour, completely still with wide and empty eyes.

After an hour of silence Frost decided to speak

"Who is their father? I mean, am I married? Am I engaged?  I have a boyfriend? Do I have a partner?"

"I'm sorry Aunt Frost, but we can't tell you who they are" Nora said without thinking

"What do you mean ?! Do they have different fathers?" Frost asked, in full panic

"Frost, don't worry..." Caitlin said, hugging her "Maybe, it was just a slip of the tongue... or... they use They/Them pronouns...  Right Nora?"

"Please ask no more ... Sophie is the daughter of ... the one who was your fiancé,  Caity instead is the daughter of your husband, another person ..."  Bart said

"Who are they?" Frost asked

"We can't tell you ..." the three answered in unison, almost in panic

"Haven't I met them yet?"

"Only Caity's father ... but you can't possibly know anything else ... it could seriously erase the twins from existence and ruin Nora and Bart's life!"

"Is he really that terrible?" Caitlin asked

"It's quite the opposite, Mom," Nora replied.

While the others went into the lounge to talk, Cassie had remained in the infirmary, in less than 5 minutes she had regenerated the wounds of the children now it seemed that nothing had happened, however the thing she was afraid of was not the physical wounds, but the mental ones , she had experienced them firsthand and knew how much they hurt.

"Cassie, what happened?" Caity said, waking up

"Caity, are you okay? Don't you remember anything of what happened?" Cassie said hoping to get a negative answer


"Me neither!" Sophie answered

"Okay little ones, I'll take you home now," Cassie said as she picked them up before accelerating

Meanwhile in the future

Frost ran into the West house, she was in tears."Caity, please tell me my daughters are here!"

"Frost, what happened?" Barry asked

"We were in the car, we were on our way here ... when we were struck by blue-green lightning... The car exploded, we passed out, but the girls disappeared! "

"Okay, I'm going to look for them!" Barry said

"Honey, you almost died a few hours ago ... you can't risk it like that"

"I must!" Barry answered

But as he was about to leave Cassie appeared in the hall with the two girls

"Sophie! Caity! Are you okay little ones?" Frost said in tears as she hugged her daughters

"We're fine Mom, we don't know what happened" They answered in chorus

"Thanks Cassie!"

"No problem Auntie Frosty!"

"Rose, where..." Caitlin began to ask

"How can you not remember it?"

"They can not!" Speedforce said as she appeared behind her in the form of Nora Allen

"What are you doing here ?! I mean, I still have time !!!" Cassie replied in a panic

"I just wanted to tell you that you enjoy our favors so nothing will affect the timeline, like when Dr. Wells tried to avoid the creation of the other forces, you and everyone else are protected, no one will remember anything, except who you already know. But remember that you can't change certain events, in that case I won't be able to help you either! "

"Thanks Speedforce" Cassie replied

"What did we miss?" Barry asked

"Long story dad... anyway Auntie Frosty, how is their father, how is Uncle Ronnie?"

"He's in the hospital, they're operating, I haven't been able to see him yet ... I can't lose him too..." Frost said crying

"Don't worry Frost," Caitlin tried to comfort her, as Barry pushed the girls away, to keep them from hearing.

"I lost John when I was pregnant with Sophie, and it was my fault ...
Then I met Ronnie... your Ronnie...
I understand why you were so in love with him ... I have your memories, I know how much you suffered ... I don't want to feel the same ..."

"Don't be sad you know, it wasn't your fault, John was a cop, a detective, he took risks for years trying to protect the city, what happened to him was a fatality ...
Ronnie was sucked into a black hole, and I thought he died to save Central City, leaving me a widow shortly after the wedding... but here he is, you two fell in love, you know he would do anything for you! He would never leave you! " Caitlin said

"Er ... it's not like that"

"What do you mean? He loves you!"

"It wasn't that ... it was my fault for John...
They had just given me the wedding dress ... I wanted so much to try it on ... but I knew it was said to bring bad luck, I mean when Barry saw Iris's there was... you know what ...
So I asked him to buy dinner in that place we loved so much so that I had a little more time... he found himself in the middle of a robbery because of me! It was my fault that he died! " Frost said crying, on her knees with her head on Caitlin's legs

"Come on Frost, it wasn't your fault! You know it was just a coincidence ... you ate there almost every week... don't blame yourself!
Then, Ronnie Raymond is one of the strongest people I've ever met, I'm sure he won't leave his wife and daughters! " Caitlin said

"Thanks Caity!"

Drin drin drin

"Hello," Frost said as she answered the phone

"Am I talking to Frost Raymond? I'm calling from the Central City hospital"


"Your husband has come out of the operating room will be fine"

While Frost was talking on the phone, Cassie hugged Barry and said
"Dad now I have to go back to the past, Ah call me for Christmas greetings or I'll worry"

"Wait, What?" Barry asked not understanding

"I'm the Cassie of 2050, about 6 months from now ... I'm still in Switzerland now"

"Okay Rose, now go," said Caitlin, now used to the weirdness of time travel

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