Chapter 22

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Things were going smoothly

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Things were going smoothly.

After Raya's initial shock of Michael's new project, later that night, she was able to sit down with Kylie and listen to it. And she loved it.

They all had their different and unique individual styles. Throughout their years in Trinity, they were able to find a place in the middle that satisfied all of them and made it became their formula for success. Raaya was glad Michael had finally expressed her talents on her own and was stepping out of her simplistic lifestyle.

Mikey did it, and she did it well, that couldn't be denied.

When Raya arrived in LA, Symone picked her and Kylie up from the airport. In the car, they listened to Michael's project once more before Facetiming her, showing her their enthusiastic reactions. Their support touched Mikey so much that she cried.

They loved each other a little too much to stay in their feels for too long. 

They could be jealous and plotting one day, and completely forget about it the next. At the end of the day, they remembered that all they wanted was the best for each other. And they never wanted to step on the other's toes.

The whole 'Day and Night' tour group found themselves reunited once again, Chance included. That made for an awkward hello from Raya, finding the first excuse to rush off, leaving the group to laugh and make light of her behavior.

All of them knew Raya and Chance's story a little too well. They were the ones each of them went to when shit didn't work out those countless amounts of times. The fact that they were no longer was a blessing in their eyes. And left room for jokes upon jokes that had Vante nearly in tears.

Chance took their antics with a smile, knowing they were well deserved. But he found his eyes wandering off as he took a sip of his drink. He could say he just wanted to locate the host and throw another congratulation her way, but that would be a lie. He was looking for Raya.

Seeing her and feeling so distant from her was torture. They were messy, he could never play off or deny that, but they had a connection that was way bigger than their pride or egos. The last time they went down that road, he was the one to fuck it up. And he knew his actions, even after all these years, still affected her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have said her quick hellos and dipped out at the first sight of him.

He still cared, and he'd always care.

And he found himself doing a little more than caring at the sight of Raya chatting with a man across the room. He felt his jealous itch become stronger once he recognized the man and knew he and Raya had a history. But unlike Chance's history with her, theirs wasn't filled with drama and ended in shambles.

Chance watched intently as the pair exchanged words, smiles, and laughs, completely forgetting he had a conversation going on in front of him.

"Chance!" Symone snapped her fingers to catch his attention, Chance turning to her.

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