Chapter 7

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Symone walked into the house with hesitance

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Symone walked into the house with hesitance. She knew Levi was mad at her by the bunches of texts she set his way that were all left on read. She almost expected him not to be home by the time she got there, but he was. And she wasn't sure if she was ready to have a talk about what he 'heard'.

"Levi?" She asked, walking into the living room, where he sat waiting on her expectantly.

"You wanna explain to me what that was?" Levi demanded, staring her down.

"I was just- I was being honest, Levi."

"So, you've been smiling in my face, entertaining this idea that I'm supposed to get on bended knee for you when you're 'cool right now'? Symone, what the fuck?"

"What was I supposed to do? Say it should be any day now and have everybody up my ass?!"

Levi stood up, getting a good look at her. "Symone, what's your plan for the next two years?"


He wasn't in the mood to be played with. "What. Is. Your. Plan. Symone?"

"To release my album and like, tour, and stuff." She replied.

"Focus on your career, right?" He added.

Symone frowned as she looked at him, taking in his demeanor and tone. "Why'd you say it like that?"

"Nowhere in there was my name. Nowhere in there was us getting engaged, which you told me you wanted to do by the time you were 28."

"Don't do that." She shook her head. "Don't make it sound like I don't want you."

"Do you?!"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" She shouted back. "You're being ridiculous. It was a radio interview, and I said one thing!"

"One thing I ain't never heard you say before." Levi fought back. "It's all nods and smiles whenever I bring up the topic, and now suddenly you got shit to say on the radio?"

"I'm not doing this with you." She declared, moving to walk out of the room.

"Just be honest with me, for fucking once, Mo! We had a plan. Regardless of whatever you got going on, what I have going on, we had a life planned out together. If that's not what you want anymore fucking say that shit!"

Symone was left speechless for a moment, her heart beating out of her chest, feeling pressured. She knew what she had to say, and judging by how Levi was not holding back on her, this would only go one way.


She forced herself to inhale and let out a deep breath, trying to shake out some of her nervousness. "I don't wanna get married." She admitted quietly. "Not now, not in a year from now, maybe not even two years from now. And that doesn't mean I don't love you, 'cause I do." Tears started to swell up in her eyes. It's just not what I see for myself right now."

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