Chapter 37

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Symone was grateful

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Symone was grateful.

In an attempt to turn her mood around from all the crazy, Chance invited her out to ATL. And seeing that Atlanta had been nothing but good to her, she couldn't turn it down. Also, Alex went above and beyond to persuade her, including a couple explicit actions that she was too shy to say aloud.

So there she was, dressed to impress in the club, enjoying her time with her friends. She was finally able to brush the whole issue with Michael to the side and greet Raya with open arms.

The problem wasn't with her, so there was no need for her to keep up her pettiness. Raya was just trying to help in any way that she could.

And it wouldn't be a typical night out if Mo wasn't calling one of the boys out on one of their bullshit stories.

"Stop lying!" Symone commanded with a smile as she playfully pushed Vante as he laughed. "You're stupid!"

"Hey! It could've happened." He shrugged with Chance dapped him up with a smile.

"You supporting that?" Raya asked, crossing her arms with an amused look. "Really?"

"Babe, we all know he's lying." Chance defended, making them all laugh.

The night was going off on a great foot until Symone noticed a familiar body making its way over with her hand interlocked with her man's.

Michael and Derek.

Symone just set down her drink, her facial expression instantly turning sour. "Ah hell no."

Raya was quick to play like she didn't hear that as she approached the two happily, giving them hugs. "Hey! You made it! Damn girl, you sure you had a baby?" She teased after taking a good look at Michael.

"Shut up." Michael snapped playfully before moving forward, greeting Chance with a hug. "Seems like you finally got your priorities right." She joked, making him chuckle.

"You could say that, yeah." He agreed.

The two newcomers made their way around the group, everyone greeting them with open arms and smiles. But when it came down to Mo, her glare alone was enough to let Michael know to keep her distance.

"How ya doing Mo?" Derek tried with a soft smile.

"Alright." She bluntly responded before taking a seat, crossing her legs and arms, her eyes not leaving Michael, just daring her to speak.

Sensing the unspoken tension, Raya decided to take the lead. "Let's go have a reunion." She suggested, smoothing out her dress looking between Symone and Michael. "Over there." She pointed to a more private area in the back..

"Let's do it." Symone agreed, handing Alex her bag, giving Michael a look, and following after Ray.

"Pray for me y'all," Michael spoke to the rest of them before following the girls past the velvet rope, taking a seat at the circular table.

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